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Remote Learning and Virtual Classroom Etiquette

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    Remote Learning and Virtual Classroom Etiquette

    CCA student looking at his computer

    Even before the pandemic of 2020, online learning was taking hold. Technology was driving innovations in how students and teachers connect across cyberspace. Remote learning already was a viable option for families ready to break from the inflexibility and traumas of traditional brick-and-mortar schooling. 

    With the pandemic of 2020, more families discovered the power to make learning suit their lifestyles and the needs of their children. Still, the circumstances plunged millions of children and families into a new world, with its own culture and online class etiquette. Fortunately, families new to remote learning don’t have to flounder. Learning the rules of online etiquette for students helps ease the transition and guide children toward academic success.

    The Move to Remote Learning

    1.4 billion. That’s how many children, scattered across 186 countries, have been affected by school closures caused by COVID-19. Even when families feel isolated and frustrated by abrupt shifts in the way their children learn, they can take heart in the fact that countless families worldwide are in the same boat and doing their best to help their children achieve.

    In fact, many families have discovered the benefits of online learning. Some studies show that online learning increases retention of information, and in less time than the hours inefficiently used in traditional classroom settings. 

    In this new learning environment, parents want to help their children fit in. Just a few netiquette tips for students can provide the confidence they need to feel comfortable and, as a result, concentrate on their lessons.

    Even families who choose to keep their children enrolled in traditional schools know the answer to the question, “Why is online etiquette important?” Their children are digital natives who will interact and learn across digital channels for the rest of their lives. Hybrid learning offers new flexibility in delivering lessons. When children grow up, digital learning is sure to be integral to college courses and career training. 

    In multiple ways, hybrid learning and online education are here to stay. The trends were well underway before 2020. The pandemic just accelerated them, making knowledge of online etiquette a must for navigating a dynamic, rapidly changing world.  

    The Basics of Virtual Classroom Etiquette

    Online learning involves much more than staring at a computer screen and listening to a teacher recording. Schools such as CCA devoted to personalized education deliver an engaging experience. Children interact with teachers and each other. Teachers adapt lessons to the needs, challenges and strengths of each student. 

    In this atmosphere, online etiquette for students helps create an orderly, learning-focused environment. Keep these netiquette tips in mind, and your child will be off to a strong start.

    • Be prepared: Review previous lessons and any advance materials shared by the teacher. Encourage your child to think of questions beforehand and to ask for help when a concept is confusing.
    • Set up the technology: Avoid being the one whose technical glitches bring proceedings to a halt. Make sure before class starts that sound and camera are working.
    • Eliminate background noise: Take a listen. What do you hear? Barking dogs, blaring TVs and whirring lawnmowers distract your child and the entire class. Get in the habit of using the mute feature. Be sure to silence cellphones, too.
    • Look presentable: PJs and bed hair might be fine when you and your children are working from home, but when it’s time to interact across cyberspace, bring out the comb and the neat outfit. Looking presentable prevents distractions for the full class and puts your child in a learning frame of mind.  
    • Save the snacks for later: A glass of water in the learning space is fine, but no one wants to hear chewing over their headset. Even with the mic on mute, eating looks distracting to others and diverts your child’s attention from the lessons.
    • Speak at normal levels: Inside voices only. Teach your child to speak into the mic in a normal tone.
    • Wait your turn: Of course, traditional classroom etiquette still applies online. Children with questions or comments should follow the teacher’s rules, raising their hands or submitting chat requests without interrupting classmates.
    • Participate in small groups: Experienced online teachers know how to use small-group sidebars to teach children the art of collaboration and give them time to absorb new concepts. Prep your child to share thoughts, support their classmates and avoid the extremes of dominating or shying from the conversation.  
    • Show up: Online learning is no different than classroom learning in that children need to be present every day and focused on the lessons. There will be legitimate absences, of course, but accumulating missed days without justification can make your child fall behind. It also forces the teacher and other students to adapt to their missing classmate and sends a message that school isn’t a top priority.  

    Remote Learning and Cyber School

    Online schooling has revolutionized education. That includes the increasingly viable choice of cyber charter school as an alternative to traditional brick-and-mortar school. More and more students realize they can excel at remote learning. In this case, the choice of school is crucial. Not every cyber charter school has the resources and credentials to maximize the benefits that remote learning can offer. 

    CCA captures the power of technology to deliver education that is personalized to every student. Consider these factors that make CCA the best choice: 

    • Public schooling, in the safety of your own home, at no cost to the family. In Pennsylvania, cyber charter schools are approved to operate by state and local education officials. While they must meet all safety and educational regulations, such as staff background checks and administration of state achievement tests, they are free to deliver a curriculum based on child-centered values and beliefs. CCA also sought and received voluntary accreditation, proving that we have the resources and commitment to deliver on our promises. 
    • Personalized education, central to CCA’s mission. Learning plans are customized to each student’s learning styles and pace. Depending on their needs, children get more time, extra challenges or enrichment in the areas they’re passionate about. 
    • Family involvement. Online learning gives parents an open window into the school day. They can work with teachers to strengthen their child’s weaknesses and cultivate their interests. Teachers reach out to solicit parental input, making your child’s academic progress a family affair.
    • Socialization opportunities. Online learning doesn’t have to be isolating. CCA’s full slate of educational and social field trips bring children together to make friends and experience real-world learning.
    • Goal-setting. Even in elementary school, CCA students are introduced to career fields. As they enter middle school and high school, they gain independence and start to explore pathways to fulfillment after graduation. When they enter college, the workforce, career training or the military, they are fully prepared to achieve their dreams.

    Learn More About Commonwealth Charter Academy

    Online learning is no longer a novelty. It has proven its power to make school fit neatly into family life and to engage children in learning that’s tailored to their interests and needs. It’s a different approach than most families are accustomed to, but following the rules of online class etiquette can smooth the transition. Before long, children will find themselves enthusiastic about school again and ready to tackle any challenge. CCA can help families join the cyber revolution and prime their children for academic and lifetime success. Contact us today to learn more.


    Commonwealth Charter Academy


    March 16th, 2021


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