Cyber School Technology: The Tools You Need to Succeed

CCA learners can go to school from anywhere through easy-to-use technology.

Enrolling in a public cyber charter school like CCA can be the first step to a successful educational journey, but students and families new to online schools typically are curious about K-12 online school computer requirements.

Many parents have questions about how cyber school works. Some common questions we receive about our online program include:

  • How does cyber school work?
  • What if I don’t have internet access?
  • What online schools offer laptops, a second monitor, and a printer?
  • Do I have to own or purchase my own laptop?

Cyber charter school technology opens a whole new way of learning. A customized education at your own pace, with instruction available wherever you are, whenever it’s convenient for you.

When students enroll at CCA, we provide them with all the equipment required for a virtual classroom – from technology to all textbooks and materials.

You don’t have to worry about our computer requirements either because we provide you with the use of a free laptop, second monitor, and printer, and an internet service subsidy. We also offer ongoing technical support, guidance, and even mentors to help every family be successful.

Our Technology Allows Students to Learn From Anywhere

CCA students can go to school from anywhere, at just about any time, through easy-to-use technology.

The beauty of online schools offering the use of free laptops, a second monitor, and printer is that it gives students the freedom to take their education on the go. Whether they’re upstairs or downstairs, at a relative’s house or waiting for dance practice, they can easily access their coursework and instruction through our cyber charter school technology.

When students enroll at CCA, all necessary materials are shipped to their home. Our online school offers the use of free laptops, preloaded and ready to go with all software and programs needed to start learning, a second monitor for each student, and a voucher to each household for a free printer. CCA families choose their own internet service provider and CCA can provide an instructional technology support subsidy to help families with the cost of internet service.

Our cyber school software enables students to learn through real-time, live class sessions in which they can interact with their teachers and classmates, or, because the lessons are recorded, they can watch later at a more convenient time. Students can live chat, email, or call their teachers and counselors when needed. Since CCA is a family-focused organization, parents also regularly communicate with our educators.

CCA provides all the cyber charter school technology for our students to enjoy a customized education focused on their needs and abilities – delivered on their own schedule.

Software and Equipment Required for Virtual Classroom

CCA’s mission is to provide each student with a customized learning experience that prepares them for future success. A quality staff paired with quality course offerings comes alive for our students through our cyber school software.

We created our own learning management system called edio®. Edio is designed to empower students to succeed, educate through a custom-built curriculum and engage students, families, and teachers to communicate. Edio was designed by CCA teachers, parents, staff, and students to enhance the user experience of our families and staff members.

The equipment required for a virtual education is relatively minimal, but our powerful cyber school software brings school to life on your computer, wherever you may be.

Edio® has multiple features that are favorites of students, parents and teachers.

Students find edio® helpful for:

  • Recordings and study guides. Recordings of every lesson are available in edio. This allows students working on their own time to see what was done in class, while students participating in real-time virtual classes can review the lessons for anything they need to see again. Guided notes and study guides can be placed right into edio lessons for students.
  • Live Classroom. Our Live Classroom sessions are held to keep students engaged in coursework, discussions and other activities.
  • Interactive games. The interactive games provide multiple ways to review material and keep students engaged in lessons.

Parents find edio® helpful for:

  • Student profile. The profile makes it easy for parents to contact all CCA staff associated with a student, and it allows the staff to collaborate more easily to support the student.
  • Chat feature. This allows learning coaches, typically a student’s parent, to send a chat message in edio to their student. It’s helpful for parents who want to check in while the student is completing schoolwork.
  • Feedback. This allows parents or learning coaches to review teacher feedback and contact teachers with questions or concerns.

Teachers find edio® helpful for:

  • Customized lessons. Edio gives teachers many options for customizing lessons for groups of students. Teachers can seamlessly provide accommodations to students in need of extra support without interrupting their instruction or redirecting them to another learning platform.
  • Announcements. Pictures, hyperlinks and more can be added to course announcements, pages and club pages in edio, allowing teachers and staff to create supplemental materials for students and families.
  • Calendar events. Teachers can add events to student calendars that can serve as a reminder of an upcoming tutoring session or special event.

Technical Support and Troubleshooting Common Issues

Because CCA uses extensive technology to provide online education, it’s not unheard of to experience technical issues. In that event, CCA families can depend on technical support staff who work to resolve any issues they may encounter.

Our Pennsylvania-based technical support staff can diagnose computer problems and works diligently to ensure the equipment of our CCA families is working properly. It doesn’t matter where in the state our learners live. Simply call 833-204-2221 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday.

What are the most common problems we see? Here are some examples:

Solution: Check the Wi-Fi button. First, check the computer’s Wi-Fi button. It’s easy to turn it off accidentally. If the light is white, it’s on; if it’s orange, it’s off. If that isn’t the problem, you might have to contact CCA’s support team or your internet service provider.

Solution: Conduct a power flush. We understand how vital our laptops are to your student’s education. If it doesn’t turn on, don’t panic. Try this first:

  1. Turn off your computer.
  2. Remove the power cord, then the laptop battery.
  3. Press and hold the power button for 15 to 30 seconds.
  4. Return the battery first and then the power cord.
  5. Turn on your computer.
  6. If the computer still does not turn on, call the tech center for assistance.

Solution: Check the sound button. Just like the Wi-Fi button, computers have a sound key. If the sound key is lit by a white light, it’s turned on. An orange light indicates the sound is muted.

Solution: Call our technical support center. You must call the tech center to have your password reset. A support member will reset your password and provide you with a temporary one.

If these quick fixes don’t work or you have another issue, our support center is ready to walk you through the steps to finding a solution.

Our Technology Helps Students Succeed

A CCA cyber school education helps students gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to succeed. A customized curriculum that you experience at your own pace on your own schedule. Enroll today, or contact a CCA parent to hear about their experience!

Discover the CCA Difference

A CCA cyber school education helps students gain the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to succeed.