CCA Learner Handbook


Program Overview
School Calendar
School Contact Information
Family Service Centers and Contact Information
Getting Started at CCA
Roles and Responsibilities
Enrollment and Placement
Health Examinations and Screenings
Graduation and Diploma Requirements
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eligibility
National Honor Society
Learner Discipline and Due Process
Technical Services
Services for CCA Learners
McKinney-Vento Act – Education Rights of Homeless Children and Youth
Family Educational Rights
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Parent and Community Support
Military Family Support
School-Sanctioned Events
Appendix A: Commitment Statements
Appendix B: Honor Code
Appendix C: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Appendix D: Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment
Appendix E: CCA Acceptable Use Guidelines
Appendix F: Discipline and Due Process
Appendix G: Annual Notice of Special Education Services and Programs
Regional Maps