Getting Started at CCA

Attending CCA is a different learning experience than attending a traditional public school. As a learner, you will be more responsible and engaged in the learning process. Here are ideas to help you succeed at CCA.

Setting Up Your Learning Space
A well-organized learning area is essential to a successful school experience. It is important to create and maintain a dedicated learning space that is quiet and away from distractions (television, video games, other children playing). Ideally, a dedicated learning space should be accessible so that the Learning Coach can observe or monitor the learner’s activities. The following components are found in CCA’s most successful learners’ workspaces:

Establishing a Schedule
Attending CCA will be an adjustment for both the Learning Coach and the learner. CCA’s most successful learners and Learning Coaches have established a schedule or routine for the school day or week. Establishing and following a schedule that includes start/end times, live and guided instruction participation and coursework, as well as meals and breaks, is beneficial. Learners and Learning Coaches should be available during school hours for any required phone conferences and participation in live and guided instruction unless other arrangements have been made.

Learning Coaches and learners should develop a plan that includes behavioral expectations and goals for the school year. Things that should be considered are: