How to Read and Respond to Your Child’s Grades
By Commonwealth Charter Academy / 02.01.2022
What do those letters or numbers on your child’s report card mean, and how do you talk to students about their grades? Grading systems can evolve over time and vary from school to school, so you may need to learn more about how to interpret your child’s report card. Whatever grading system your school uses, […]
CCA’s Flexible Programs Allow Student to Pursue Passion
By CCA / 01.25.2022
Bella, an eighth-grade #CCA student, first fell in love with horses at the age of three. Over the last several years, Bella’s passion for horses has deepened and her love for them has grown stronger. She recently won several awards earlier this fall for placing first and fourth place in several categories. CCA’s flexibility allows […]
E-Books vs. Print — What’s Better for Your Child?
By Commonwealth Charter Academy / 01.25.2022
We can all agree reading is valuable for students, but you may get more varied opinions over the issue of online books vs. printed books. Is one option better for young learners than the other? Parents tend to be more familiar with print books and their benefits, so you may be dubious about using e-books […]
Tips for Improving Your Child’s Typing Skills
By Commonwealth Charter Academy / 01.11.2022
Many students may need extra practice to enhance their typing skills so they’re prepared for their academic and professional futures. Whether you haven’t considered the significance of typing for children or you’re motivated to help improve your child’s typing skills, learn more about the importance of these skills and how you can help your child […]
How to Ease Your Child’s Transition From Elementary to Middle School
By Commonwealth Charter Academy / 12.28.2021
Moving from elementary school to middle school is a big step for any child. It’s likely to be both an exciting time and a nerve-wracking one for kids and their families. Your child may have worries about all sorts of things, from changes in academics and social time with friends to logistical concerns about how […]
How to Spot Fake News
By Commonwealth Charter Academy / 12.21.2021
Fake news has been a buzzword in recent years, and for a good reason. False stories posing as real news can sway public opinion, influencing elections and public policies. In this digital age, information spreads rapidly, reaching many people, whether that information is fact-based or not. Spotting fake news has become a vital skill for […]
Does Multitasking Affect Student Learning?
By Commonwealth Charter Academy / 12.14.2021
We’ve all experienced the science of multitasking, like receiving a phone call in the middle of an important assignment. It’s not always easy. Media multitasking, or using multiple digital platforms at the same time, makes it hard for students to get focused and pay attention. When media multitasking, other stimuli like a text message or movie […]
Questions to Ask During a Parent-Teacher Conference
By Commonwealth Charter Academy / 12.07.2021
Do the words “parent-teacher conference” stir feelings of trepidation? Are you worried you’ll be scolded for your child’s academic challenges? In reality, there’s no need to dread the next parent-teacher conference. Today’s parent-teacher conferences are valuable tools for building relationships and cementing the partnerships between families and teachers. Parent-teacher conferences open new doors for communication […]
Teacher Appreciation Ideas for Students
By Commonwealth Charter Academy / 11.30.2021
Of course your child’s teachers know they’re appreciated — right? Or do they? Teachers know they’re doing priceless work, guiding and shaping young minds and characters. They chose the classroom as a calling, not just a profession, so they don’t ask for constant thanks. However, knowing how to tell your teacher you appreciate them can […]
How to Teach Your Child Gratitude
By Commonwealth Charter Academy / 11.29.2021
Gratitude could be called the art of being thankful for the things you have. In a world focused on acquiring more and more things, teaching kids gratitude might seem impossible, but it’s a worthwhile pursuit. Teaching children appreciation for the blessings of life builds character and happiness, even as it promotes academic achievement and more […]