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Graphic: activities for students who finish work early

6 Activities for Students Who Finished Their Schoolwork Early

By Commonwealth Charter Academy / 03.23.2023

Your child’s teachers have given them schoolwork, but some children tend to get their schoolwork done ahead of the rest. Gifted children are often the ones who finish their schoolwork early. This is because the way they learn differs from others, allowing them to excel at schoolwork (much like how some kids excel at sports […]

Graphic: How cyber school supports students with speech & language disorders

How Cyber School Supports Students With Speech & Language Disorders

By Commonwealth Charter Academy / 03.21.2023

Many believe online learning seems like it would be harder on students with speech and language disorders than attending regular school. Yet communication impairments can impact learning at in-person institutions and virtual schools. Fortunately, students who struggle with speech and language disorders can benefit from online learning or cyber schools that support their needs. Cyberschool allows accommodation for communication disorders and […]

Graphic: request more information about the CCA gifted program

Why Is My Gifted Student Not Doing Well in School?

By Commonwealth Charter Academy / 03.16.2023

Students that are gifted show great aptitude in intellectual ability. So why do these students sometimes struggle in school? Even though they show great potential, living up to the high expectations set by their teachers, parents, and themselves can lead to stress and disinterest. If you have a gifted child struggling at school, continue reading to discover why they may […]

Graphic: how do colleges view cyber schools

How Do Colleges View Cyber Schools? 4 Factors to Consider

By Commonwealth Charter Academy / 03.14.2023

When deciding if cyber school is right for your child, one natural aspect to consider is whether online school is good for college acceptance. Understanding what colleges look for and how they perceive online high schools can help you make an informed decision about your child’s education. 1. Grades and Academic Performance The vast majority […]

Graphic: How to support your child's expressive language

How to Support Your Child’s Expressive Language

By Commonwealth Charter Academy / 03.09.2023

Young children are known for telling you exactly how they feel, and their lack of filter can lead to some humorous conversations. What seems like the silly ramblings of a toddler is a vital aspect of speech and language comprehension. While most kids can form simple sentences by age 3, children with language and speech […]

Graphic: public vs private online school

Public vs. Private Online School

By Commonwealth Charter Academy / 03.07.2023

When contemplating switching to an online school, you may wonder if private or public online school is better. The two have several differences, including cost, enrollment requirements, and learning structures, but as online learning institutions, they share the key features of flexibility, safety, and personalization. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the key differences […]

Graphic: 5 online school brain break activities

5 Online School Brain Break Activities

By Commonwealth Charter Academy / 03.02.2023

Every parent knows that qualities like commitment and work ethic will help their child attain academic success. But sometimes, your child may struggle through a problem, get frustrated, or show a general lack of devotion for their schoolwork. This scenario doesn’t mean that they’ve failed, given up, or struggled with the material. It could simply […]

Graphic: teaching children to have a growth mindset

Teaching Children to Have a Growth Mindset

By Commonwealth Charter Academy / 02.28.2023

If you find that your child is giving up easily or needs some help staying focused and determined, you can support them by nurturing a growth mindset. All you need is knowledge of different perspectives and the right techniques to put your child on the path to success. What Is a Growth Mindset? A child […]

Graphic: website resources for cyber school students

6 Great Website Resources for Parents and Cyber School Students 

By Commonwealth Charter Academy / 02.21.2023

The internet provides hundreds of resources to help students expand their education beyond the classroom. Whether your child is pursuing their passions or seeking help for challenging subjects, interactive educational websites can help them achieve these goals. Parental involvement can help improve your child’s academic confidence and performance. If you’re unsure how to help, online […]

Graphic: How to choose the right college for you

How to Choose the Right College for You

By Commonwealth Charter Academy / 02.14.2023

Going to college is an exciting step in your education and your future career. With thousands of degree-granting colleges and universities to choose from in the U.S. alone, the possibilities may seem virtually endless! Still, abundant choices can quickly become overwhelming. Picking a college may seem like a gargantuan task, especially amid a busy school […]

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