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School Supplies Every Online Student Needs

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    School Supplies Every Online Student Needs

    school supplies every online student needs

    School supply shopping is a back-to-school favorite for many families. Despite heavily using technology, K-12 students at online schools still need certain materials for a productive and educational year.

    As with any work- or learn-from-home setup, your students’ school space should be comfortable and practical. Keeping proper school supplies for online classes nearby helps your student stay focused on their lessons. So what does your child need to succeed?

    At Commonwealth Charter Academy (CCA), we know how a personalized online education can help your child grow. To get you started on your first-day preparation, we have some suggestions on the best school supplies for online students.

    School Supplies Online Students Need For Success

    Cyber school allows students to do their schoolwork and participate in classes anywhere. Having the proper materials and technology to support their work is necessary for this education model. Follow our recommended school supply list for online school success.


    The most important tool your child will need for online school is a computer. Their computer will be their one-stop shop for virtual classes, schoolwork, and video conferences. Part of this device should also include all the appropriate software programs your online school uses. At CCA, our students, teachers, and parents use edio.

    We believe that all students should have the proper devices for learning, so we loan each student a computer for the duration of their time with CCA. If students want to broaden their visual workspace, we also provide a second monitor and offer technical support from our Pennsylvania-based team.

    Internet Access

    A fast, reliable internet connection is necessary for students to use their computers to their fullest. Connecting to video calls, doing research, and sending emails require WiFi. All three of those tasks and more are standard expectations in online schools.

    At CCA, we consider internet access one of the most essential school supplies for online school. We offer a monthly subsidy to help our CCA families offset the cost of internet service as part of your enrollment. You choose your preferred provider, and we supply a subsidy.

    Calendar or Planner

    A physical calendar or planner is a must-have on your school supply list for online school. Part of your student’s learning experience will be organizing and maintaining their schedule. Time management skills can help students handle their work and decrease stress during busy periods.

    Virtual education requires students to take more responsibility for their daily calendars. Your child will see how a planner pays off once they start balancing schoolwork, personal commitments, and extracurricular activities. To personalize their workflow, your student can choose from many physical and virtual calendar options. For extra visibility and assistance, edio comes with an integrated calendar so you can organize personal and academic responsibilities.

    Printer and Paper

    Online students may have certain materials they need or want to print, such as permission slips or readings. Although online school significantly cuts down on paper usage, printers can be helpful tools to assist with schoolwork. If your home does not already have a printer or copy paper, we suggest putting these supplies on your shopping list.

    When your child enrolls at CCA, we provide a free printer voucher for your home. We invest in your student’s success by supporting their at-home workspace with the right materials.

    Dedicated Desk or Workspace

    With virtual school, you and your child control their daily workspace. Before you begin buying a plethora of school supplies for your online student, make sure their desk is conducive for learning. A proper at-home workspace will have room for their computer, books, and notebooks to be open simultaneously.

    Along with being a large enough space, your student’s desk should be in a room with a door or barrier for private learning if household distractions are likely to be an issue. Because your child will conduct most of their day online, make sure their desk is also near an outlet or extension cord so they can charge their device.

    Comfortable Desk Chair

    Many families forget this item on their online school supply list. A comfortable office chair allows your student to focus on their classes instead of back pain or cushion problems. Desk chairs are a necessary investment in your child’s daily comfort, so be sure to get one that’s right for your desk’s height and width.

    Some parents buy adjustable office chairs that can grow as their child does throughout multiple years in school. You can avoid buying a new chair every year with the right one for your student and workspace.

    Folders and Notebooks

    Although their lessons are virtual, your child will take written notes more often than you think. Physical folders and notebooks help students maintain organized copies of their schoolwork. Studies have also shown that physical note taking helps students process and remember information. Notebooks can be especially helpful for early learners with writing and spelling practice.

    You can use this item on your list to have a little fun with personalization. Allow your child to get notebooks and folders with images or colors they like so they feel connected to their studies.

    Flash Drive

    Going to cyber school means you submit your assignments virtually. Flash drives allow students to save and manage their files and do schoolwork on any computer. These data storage devices also help if your laptop lacks enough space for large files.

    Make sure your child has a USB drive with enough gigabytes to support their needs. If they are working on assignments with videos or pictures, they may need an external hard drive with better processing speed and storage.

    Pencils, Pens, Markers, and Crayons

    Your online school supply list isn’t complete without pencils, pens, markers, and crayons. Regardless of your child’s age, writing supplies are always helpful for note taking or art projects. Your child’s virtual education will have no shortage of opportunities to use these materials. Some students also find using highlighters or colored pens is helpful to organize their notes and assignments.

    Earphones or Headphones

    Students can engage in deep focus periods when they have the tools to shut out distractions. A headset allows your child to block extraneous noise and listen to their lesson or music if working independently. Though they may not wear their headphones all day, this school supply can be a useful productivity tool for any K-12 child.

    When your student receives their curriculum in the mail from CCA, we also supply a complimentary headset so they can participate in online lessons.

    Contact CCA for more information about supplies for online school

    Contact CCA for More Information About Supplies for Online School

    Supporting your child’s online learning can start with a simple school supply list. Virtual education requires the same materials as a brick-and-mortar school, with added necessities like an internet connection and a reliable computer. Step one of preparing for this learning environment is getting the essential school supplies for online classes.

    At CCA, we provide the technology your student needs to succeed in a personalized learning environment. These suggestions should help you find all the other supplies they need to be successful. If you want to learn more about what you need to enroll in cyber school, you can contact CCA online.


    Commonwealth Charter Academy


    May 9th, 2023


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