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10 Reasons Why Families Love Cyber Schooling

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    10 Reasons Why Families Love Cyber Schooling

    10 Reasons Why Families Love Cyber Schooling

    Choosing the best school to help your child to grow and learn is among the most important decisions you will face as a parent. Selecting the safest, most engaging, and most robust education comes with many options, including private schools, public schools, charter schools, and homeschooling.

    Many families are turning to virtual learning to deliver their children high-quality education and individualized learning from their homes. Breaking free from the one-size-fits-all method, online schools guide students to success while encouraging them to pursue their interests and learn in a way that meets their needs. Check out these 10 reasons families love cyber school so you can make the best decision for your child.

    Why Parents Choose Online Learning for Their Children

    Parents and students enjoy the switch from the classroom to the computer for many reasons. As students can explore more topics and engage with a vast network of instructors and peers, parents are seeing an increase in their child’s performance and happiness and enjoying an all-around more accommodating education.

    Here are some of the top reasons why families love online learning:

    1. Children Are Safer

    Safety is always a top priority for parents, and when a child feels unsafe, they are less likely to complete activities to the best of their abilities. In a survey, almost half of parents expressed that they did not send their child to in-person school because it was safer for the child and family to pursue another option. Overall, less exposure to germs is a considerable factor in choosing cyber school, but safety comes in other forms, as well.

    In traditional brick-and-mortar institutions, students can face bullying, peer pressure, and other criticism that impede their academic success and mental health. Additionally, parents can rest assured knowing their child is safely starting and ending their school day by not needing to cross traffic or encounter vehicles at a bus stop.

    2. Their Child Prefers Online Learning

    Online education allows children to find much more freedom with their coursework and activities. Students can choose between a much wider variety of classes compared to brick-and-mortar schools because there are more teachers and availability for these classes. Students can take courses that interest them and connect them with other like-minded peers around the state they may otherwise never know. Many students enjoy the flexibility and freedom to control their future, making them more excited to learn.

    3. Online Learning Increases Academic Performance

    Online education encourages students to follow their interests, which helps keep them engaged in their studies. Students are more likely to perform better as they review topics that are important to them and their future careers. Students can engage in thought-provoking discussions that deeply connect them with class materials. The personalized learning approach of online education helps students gain academic performance in as little as one school year.

    4. Their Child Is Happier

    Your child’s happiness is likely one of your top concerns. You want to ensure your child is happy, healthy, and satisfied in everything they do, including school. Online school enables students to build confidence, so they can ask for help and seek assistance when they need it. As your child engages with materials that align with their interests, they’re more likely to have a satisfying experience and feel more purposeful, leading to higher grades.

    5. Scheduling Is More Flexible

    Scheduling Is More Flexible

    With in-person schools, your child must start and end their days at the same times, and parents and family members must work around this schedule. With cyber school, students can craft schedules that boost their engagement while benefitting the rest of the family. Students can choose which classes they take and when to complete their work, so you can make appointments, practices, and other non-academic obligations without sacrificing education. You can create a routine that maximizes your student’s ability to focus and complete work to the best of their ability whenever works best for them.

    6. Online Learning Provides Opportunities for Parental Involvement

    Parental involvement is beneficial in virtual education. At CCA, a cyber school in Pennsylvania, parents take on the role of a learning coach. To facilitate this, we offer training before the school year begins to ensure families have all the information and assistance they need to guide their students to success. Additionally, CCA offers family mentors — previous CCA parents who can answer questions and provide guidance to current CCA families.

    7. Virtual Schooling Improves the Family Dynamic

    Cyber schools take the opportunity to understand your values and how your child’s education can align with them, so you can ensure your child is learning the positive morals you want to instill in them. Families can also find more time to help with homework and assist with classes. As a result, parents can:

    • Feel more connected to their child’s education
    • Have a stronger understanding of their weaknesses and strengths
    • Create a better relationship with teachers
    • Understand the child’s course materials better

    8. Their Child Has Individualized Instruction

    Cyber school allows students to learn in a way that best suits them. Students can complete virtual lessons at their own pace with an online curriculum. Those who need to spend more time on a topic can do so, and those who are propelling through the subject matter can move to the next lesson when they’re ready.

    Additionally, students can align their interests with their education. For example, CCA targets students’ interests and skills to craft a unique success path through personalized learning. Students can relate their education to possible careers and find socialization opportunities that bring them closer to their goals.

    9. There Are Fewer Distractions

    Distractions are common in the classroom, but unlike at home, you cannot always control them at in-person schools. With cyber school, you can create a workspace that boosts your child’s focus and motivates them to complete their best work. Perhaps your student needs soft music to work or complete silence. Maybe your student needs to work away from others or prefers to change locations as they work through different subjects. Either way, you can ensure they have what they need to succeed.

    10. The Teachers Come From Different Backgrounds

    Students who participate in school online gain access to some of the best instructors in the field. Your child is no longer confined to the local district and can interact with educators from various backgrounds, degrees, and experiences. Additionally, virtual teachers receive instruction that makes them qualified to teach online education effectively. These educators are masters in their field and can deliver high-quality one-on-one instruction for students who need extra assistance.

    Learn How CCA Pioneered Online Learning

    Commonwealth Charter Academy is a Pennsylvania public cyber charter school. We know every child has different needs, interests, and goals, which is why we use personalized learning to engage students and guide them to success.

    At CCA, our teachers collaborate with students and families to tailor an education that aligns with their interests and needs. Learn how cyber school works and the benefits of giving your child a high-quality education from CCA. Contact us for more information about our unique curriculum and how we can serve your family.

    Learn How CCA Pioneered Online Learning


    Commonwealth Charter Academy


    March 15th, 2024


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