Danielle Lewis

Hello, my name is Danielle Lewis, and we have been a CCA (Commonwealth Charter Academy) family for almost three years. I have been a Family Mentor helping families transition to CCA since 2022. I have two children and they are both in CCA. My oldest daughter is going into 6th grade and my youngest daughter is going into 3rd grade. Both of my girls were transitioned to CCA after being in brick-and-mortar for a combined seven years. I was also a schoolteacher at my girl’s brick-and-mortar school. My husband and I never thought of enrolling our girls into a cyber school, but the state of the schools made us look for other avenues. When we talked with a few others who had joined CCA we really felt this was the right “fit” for our girls. My girls never want to turn back.

CCA provided flexibility, classes for my “gifted” learner, and an IEP we were so desperately needing. CCA also blew me away with the growth in education being a teacher myself. My girls have excelled socially with the many field trips and clubs that CCA has to offer. Lastly, CCA has given us the opportunity to be a more connected family by learning every day and with so many opportunities that we can now embrace.

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