CCA graduate writes book about disabled superhero who fights cyberbullies

Billy is a CCA graduate and published author looking to spread positivity through his latest book, “The FBI Adventures of Will Chair.” Diagnosed with spina bifida at a young age, Billy cited his positive experience at CCA for instilling him with optimism and a determination to inspire others.

Finding a school to accommodate Billy’s physical needs was a challenge.

“When I was trying to enroll at a local school, they didn’t want to make accommodations for me so I was forced to choose between a school that was farther away or be home-schooled,” Billy said.

Luckily, Billy’s mom found CCA, which has flexible class schedules and understands the challenges children face.

“I had 10 surgeries throughout the entire experience. I would miss weeks at a time, but if we sent out an email to teachers, as long as we were getting the work done, they would work with us,” Billy said.

Having enrolled in first grade, he spent his entire academic career at CCA. He feels it was the best thing that ever happened to him.

His teachers made assignments fun and were always willing to accommodate students.

“When I was unable to maneuver through software they were using, they had the option for me to use the software that I was already familiar with rather than push me into something that I didn’t know how to do,” Billy said.

His experience at CCA has motivated him to help others, which led him toward a potential career. While helping a friend learn how to publish a book, he developed an affinity for the writing and publishing process.

After writing and self-publishing five books on Amazon, Billy decided to combine his newfound hobby with his desire to help others, inspiring “The FBI Adventures of Will Chair.”

“My dad suggested I write a book about a disabled superhero, and he gave me the idea for the character’s name,” Billy said.

Will Chair is an FBI agent who protects kids by fighting cyberbullies.

“Overall, Will tries to spread positivity throughout both the cyber world and the real world because he knew what it was like to be the underdog. The book is meant to show someone lacking confidence that they can make a difference and make a change,” Billy said.

Helping those who helped him is also a priority. Billy is donating 50 percent of the profits from this book to Camp Spifida, which helps people who have spina bifida.

“The staff members are volunteers. They help pay for supplies and activities, which is great, but maybe we can make enough to get everything paid for,” Billy said.

His selflessness and compassion for others stem from his experience at CCA, where he was welcomed with open arms.

“They make you feel like you are not alone and will allow you to interact with people from all different types of backgrounds. There are so many socialization opportunities through field trips and live lessons. CCA would be good for anybody,” Billy said.

Billy lives in Scranton and works part time at Walmart. He aims to continue writing books that inspire people and, in fact, he has written the outline for a series of books.

“I want every story to have a progression and inspire people more. I want my books to build off each other,” Billy said. “I want everyone to feel needed, wanted and loved through these books.”

“The FBI Adventures of Will Chair” can be purchased here.

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