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10 Characteristics to Teach Your Child

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    10 Characteristics to Teach Your Child

    Children playing with toys

    As parents, you want to see your child blossom into the impactful person they’re meant to become. Many parents contemplate how to teach character traits and which ones will mold them in the best possible way. Teaching these characteristics can be challenging, but it’s well worth the investment for you and your child.

    Character Building Traits for Your Child

    Your child’s character traits can shape them into a positive, powerful, and confident person. Beyond dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s of life, character traits define your child and can guide them toward success. Positive character traits ensure your child remains physically, emotionally, and mentally healthy. Additionally, they can help your child develop optimistic attitudes about life, positively impact society, and reach success in academic and nonacademic facets. Here are the best character traits to teach your child.

    1. Kindness

    Teaching children to be kind to themselves and others can help them establish positive attitudes and relationships. They can become more understanding and able to work better in teams.

    You can encourage kindness by introducing the golden rule about treating others the way you want to be treated. Ask your child to imagine how they would feel if you were to reverse the roles in situations where they aren’t being kind. Express different ways they can show kindness to others through small actions like taking turns during games, offering to share toys or snacks, and supporting their siblings or friends who are upset.

    2. Courage

    If your child understands and exhibits courage, they’ll be better equipped to stand up for the truth and express themselves and their desires. They will stand out as they face their fears and protect their feelings and thoughts from those acting negatively.

    Having your child participate in stage events is an excellent way to promote courage. You can teach them to step outside their comfort zones and experience how good it feels to enjoy their accomplishments afterward. You can also play make-believe with them, allowing them to recognize negativity in different forms and see the day-to-day encounters they might face.

    3. Determination

    Determination is one of the best qualities because it teaches us to keep pushing forward even when things are challenging. Teaching this quality to your child will help them become a hard worker who actively seeks to reach their goals and view mistakes as part of the learning process.

    You can teach determination by having them try new and challenging tasks. Let them get frustrated when they fail or experience setbacks, and encourage them to find a way around each barrier. Everything from losing board games, struggling to complete math schoolwork, and falling while riding a bike is an opportunity to teach your child how to get back up and try again.

    4. Forgiveness

    Dwelling on minor issues and framing a negative mindset toward others puts stress on your body for a prolonged period. If your child cannot forgive, they can experience adverse health effects like cognitive decline and poor physical performance. Forgiving people, including yourself, feels much better than holding a grudge and helps your body and mind heal, making this one of the most necessary traits to teach your child.

    It can be challenging to teach forgiveness, but you can model it for your child so they know and understand it. Additionally, you can point out instances of forgiveness in movies you watch or books you read together. Explain how forgiveness helps everyone involved and how good it feels to let go of anger, frustration, and other negative emotions.

    5. Honesty

    Honesty is the best policy. Learning this trait empowers your child to become a responsible, ethical, and loyal person who values integrity. You can teach honesty to your child in a few ways, including:

    • Explaining the purpose of honesty and emphasizing it at home.
    • Expressing how happy it makes you when they’re honest with you.
    • Refraining from asking questions you already know the answer to so you don’t set your child up to lie.
    • Praising honesty, especially when your child is afraid of getting in trouble.

    Responsibility is a value that can earn appreciation and respect from others

    6. Responsibility

    Responsibility is a value that can earn appreciation and respect from others. This trait crafts success tools your child can use to do everything from finishing their schoolwork and getting a job to owning up to their mistakes. It will help children throughout their lives and make them more productive.

    Teach this trait by sharing household chores and having them contribute to your daily home life. This simple trick can make them accountable for a task and teach them how to schedule around these tasks and prioritize their duties before enjoying the rest of their day the way they want to. Additionally, chores can help your children respect you, your effort, and their belongings as they begin understanding what it means to take care of things.

    7. Optimism

    Having a positive outlook on life can lead your child to be a happier and more accepting person. Optimism can instill other traits like persistence, participation, and determination, making it an excellent characteristic to teach early. Praising your child’s efforts, encouraging them to try new things, and becoming a positive role model are excellent ways to teach optimism.

    8. Curiosity

    Curiosity opens the mind to new experiences and opportunities and brings excitement to life. It makes people more observant, enhances memory, and is a powerful driver of learning in childhood and adolescence. It encourages people to work their mental muscles and grow as individuals.

    Encourage curiosity by:

    • Ask open-ended questions to get your child thinking deeply.
    • Have your child make predictions about movie or book endings.
    • Praise your child for figuring things out.
    • Teach concepts using multiple methods, including sound, visuals, and movements.

    9. Confidence

    People with high self-esteem are more likely to succeed in social relationships, schoolwork, and careers and have better physical and mental health. You can teach this must-have trait by banning harsh criticism in your home, praising your child’s efforts and determination, and focusing on their strengths. Encourage them to pursue opportunities where they can see their effect on others, such as service projects or completing favors for siblings and friends.

    10. Patience

    Teaching patience helps your child learn how to wait for better things to come. Children who exhibit patience build better relationships with their goals and become adults with improved physical and mental health and stronger relationships.

    Teach your child patience by:

    • Keeping reasonable expectations.
    • Using timers to help your child visualize when the wait is over.
    • Acknowledging their struggle to wait and praising them for their positive attitude and actions.
    • Offering activities and ideas for them to complete while they wait for something else.

    How to Be a Good Role Model

    You may have noticed that exhibiting role model traits at home is an excellent way to instill many of the characteristics we’ve mentioned. Becoming a model for your child shows them what these characteristics look like and encourages them to practice positive habits.

    Your children look up to you and see you as a version of themselves they want to become. By exhibiting these traits at home, you can help them craft healthy relationships with themselves, you, and others. Teaching your child these worthwhile traits takes commitment, but practicing these actions daily will better set your child up for success.

    Good role models exhibit these traits:

    • Respect and concern for others
    • Humility and willingness to make and admit mistakes
    • Confidence
    • Determination
    • Communication with everyone
    • Curiosity

    Foster Development at CCA

    Foster Development at CCA

    At CCA, we want to help every child be the best version of themselves, which is why we align our curricula with their interests and abilities through a personalized learning program.

    Our unique program reinforces positive traits and habits while fostering a deep love of learning in all our students. When you enroll your child at CCA, you both gain access to a team of friendly, knowledgeable, helpful, and role-model staff who want to help your child succeed. Enroll your child today, and watch them develop and hone these traits and many others in a safe and dynamic environment.


    Commonwealth Charter Academy


    May 13th, 2024


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