2025-2026 School Year Enrollment Now Open. Click Here
2025-2026 School Year Enrollment Now Open. Click Here
Your child was born in an unprecedented age. The technology that seems wondrous to previous generations — maybe even yours — is just a backdrop to them. They are true digital natives, not only comfortable in a technology-driven world but incapable of imagining life without it.
In this atmosphere, technology in education is revolutionizing the way your child learns. Parents might wonder, “How can technology improve learning?” It’s time to realize that children flourish in the digital environment because they don’t know anything else. Wise educators see the difference and are capitalizing on the power of technology to deliver personalized, child-centered learning.
A lot of new terms are coming your way. Remote learning. E-learning. Hybrid learning. What do they mean?
Basically, they all come back to “blended learning.” According to the Oxford Dictionary, blended-learning students “learn via electronic and online media as well as traditional face-to-face teaching.”
However, that definition obscures an important point about the ways technology is improving education. Blended learning doesn’t work when teachers simply post an image or a lesson on a computer screen. That approach is about as boring as the old days of a teacher lecturing on a math lesson without any engaging activities or challenges. Skilled teachers make blended learning dynamic and interactive by using each half of the equation — in-person contact and online materials — to their advantage.
In blended learning, the teacher will present a new concept and, even across cyberspace, engage students to think about what it means. Students might work together in small groups to understand the implications. Then, they might view an interactive video in which they answer questions and solve problems, while the teacher peeks in to see if they are demonstrating mastery. If students have questions, they can reach out to the teacher, who has the freedom to adapt the lesson as individual students or entire classrooms need help understanding a point or are ready to move on.
Blended learning also empowers students to review classroom material, including the teacher’s recorded lessons, as many times as they like, on their way to building true comprehension.
For today’s children, interactive engagement across digital channels feels natural. Some parents might wonder about the wisdom of enrolling their children in cyber charter schools, but their fears often stem from a lack of experience with this new mode of learning. Kids take to it like the proverbial fish to water, and many thrive.
It’s said that the smartphone in your hand has more capabilities than the entire computing capability of NASA in 1969 — the year that a human walked on the moon.
That kind of power is changing education. How does the internet facilitate teaching and learning? Consider the full range of internet-powered technology that makes the typical school day a treasure chest of learning:
Kids spend many out-of-school hours in front of screens. Do they really need more screen time when they’re in school?
The answer is yes. Research demonstrates the power of technology to enhance student performance and promote academic success.
Your child needs to learn and grow. It’s a natural need, as innate as the desire to play. Education has always taken advantage of that instinct to prepare children to succeed as adults and citizens.
Today, educational technologies prepare children for the real world and future careers. How? By teaching them to apply the knowledge and skills that technology delivers. Through technology in school, they learn:
Today’s employers demand all these skills and more. They want people who are comfortable navigating a world built on technology and who can contribute groundbreaking thoughts and ideas.
CCA’s career training is steeped in technology and exploration. Students learn career readiness and productive community engagement that will give them the power to use their talents in the workplace and as tools for giving back to society.
CCA’s customized learning cultivates each student’s unique interests. The CCAWorks Initiative provides children with 21st century skills, enables career discovery and helps them succeed in careers and in life. As CCA students grow, they have access to hands-on learning in real work settings, such as AgWorks at CCA, the nation’s largest public educational aquaponics facility, or the TechWorks at CCA facility in Pittsburgh, where students practice information technology, computer programming, drone operations, STEM and robotics. Career-focused clubs and courses enable students to delve into the areas that inspire them, while they connect with like-minded classmates.
This is just a taste of the technology-forward, engaging approaches that CCA applies. Students are armed with 21st century skills that prepare them for success, whether they choose to enter college, career training, the workforce or the military.
Parents don’t need to worry that technology-powered learning is beyond their reach. CCA provides all the tools that children need to succeed. Plus, the technology those tools hold is harnessed to create a personalized learning experience. Children get all the benefits of educational technology, while parents get the assurance that technological equipment and support are always available.
CCA provides enrollees with all the equipment they need for a virtual classroom. Families receive the use of a free printer and a laptop loaded with all the software to organize schoolwork and enjoy a powerful learning experience every day. Families also get an instructional technology subsidy to help offset the cost of bringing high-speed internet into the home. And, of course, because technology can occasionally go wrong, we offer ongoing technical support and guidance from a Pennsylvania-based technical support staff, promising that your child’s learning won’t stall because of the occasional glitch.
Although CCA strives to make the technological parts of cyberlearning run smoothly, the point isn’t about playing with the latest in high-tech toys. At CCA, we use technology to make us the best educators possible. Children thrive because technology gives us the power to:
Technology is changing the world every day. Is your school preparing your child to be part of it? CCA captures the power of educational technology to create a springboard for lifetimes of achievement and success. Children receive personalized schooling that caters to their needs and interests, while parents are confident that technology makes learning engaging, interactive and inspiring. Contact us today to learn more about CCA’s cyber school technology and its power to reconnect your child with the joy of learning.
2025-2026 School Year Enrollment Now Open. Click Here