Welcome to edio®!

Edio® (Education for Individualized Outcomes) is CCA’s relationship management system (RMS). It was designed by CCA teachers, parents, staff, and students to provide a personalized learning experience unique to CCA.

Table of Contents

Getting started with edio®

To get started with edio, check your inbox for your edio account activation email. The process is simple to complete. It will take only a few moments to activate your account.

Log in to edio

mother talking to child next to computer

Login to edio

Once you complete the activation process, you’re ready to log in to edio. Be sure to visit Learning (use the navigation on the left side of your screen in edio) to see your student’s schedule for the school year.

Log in to edio

On your child’s first day of school, we will unlock edio features that will be available throughout the school year, including:

  • Attendance tracking
  • Personalized dashboard
  • Access to course content
  • Communication tools
  • and more!

Need technical assistance with edio? Call 833-204-2221.


Do you have a question about getting started with edio? Click here to check out our list of frequently asked questions.