CCA is a Pennsylvania cyber school that offers year-round, easy-to-navigate open enrollment.

Commonwealth Charter Academy (CCA) makes it easy to enroll your child in our PA public cyber school. All you need to get started with enrollment is an email address or mobile phone number. This information remains private, and CCA values you and your child’s privacy. It is free to enroll for all Pennsylvania families.

Why Enroll in a Public Cyber Charter School

Commonwealth Charter Academy (CCA) is a K through 12 statewide public cyber charter school offering a quality online education at no cost to all Pennsylvania students since 2003. It provides a flexible, personalized, career-ready education on your schedule.

Flexibility is a key benefit to enrolling in cyber school. Students can interact online with teachers and classmates in real time with CCA’s live classroom sessions or take the class later at a time that’s more convenient. This allows students to pursue passions outside the classroom, from family trips to internships. No traditional public or private school lets you decide when to attend class.

We work with families to determine a student’s interests and educational needs, and we customize a learning plan so your child can learn in the way best suited for them. Like other public schools, CCA provides a core curriculum for students but we supplement it with a wide variety of electives, clubs and hands-on activities. Want to learn Chinese in first grade? Want to try a science experiment in a genetics lab? You can do that at CCA.

Enrolling in public cyber charter school also alleviates worries about safety in the classroom or on your way to school. At CCA, you can attend school from the safety of your own home. This is how school should work.

CCA makes it easy to enroll in cyber charter school. It’s free to enroll, and there is no cost to your family to attend. All you need to get started with enrollment is an email address and phone number. This information remains private; CCA values your and your child’s privacy.

What You Need to Enroll at CCA

Enrolling at CCA is easy once you have the required documents prepared, and the following list can help you gather them. If you have questions during the enrollment process, don’t hesitate to call our friendly enrollment team at 833-609-0752.

Charter Enrollment Form

The charter enrollment form document tells your school district of residence that you have officially enrolled at Commonwealth Charter Academy.

Proof of Student’s Age

Your child’s official birth certificate or U.S. passport. If you don’t have either, contact the enrollment team.

You can order a Pennsylvania birth certificate, or find help if your child was born in another state.

Proof of Residence

Parents must prove they live in Pennsylvania by providing a utility bill, mortgage statement or rental agreement. If you don’t have any of these documents, please call our enrollment team at 833-609-0752.

Proof of Immunization

Families can request this information from the child’s previous school or it can often be accessed through your health care provider’s patient portal. If you don’t have an immunization record, you and your family doctor can complete a form providing this information.

Academic Records

Transcripts, report cards and, if needed, 504 plans and individualized education plans.
These documents are not required to complete the enrollment process but can help CCA determine the proper course and grade-level placement.

Other Documents

  • If your student has a custody order in place, it must be provided after completing enrollment.
  • Designated learning coach form is needed only if you want an adult other than those identified on the birth certificate and/or custody order to have access to your student’s academic information. The form can be accessed online and completed by the parent or legal guardian.

How to Enroll in Cyber School

Commonwealth Charter Academy wants to make your enrollment process as easy as possible. Our enrollment team is available to answer questions and troubleshoot any problems you run into during the enrollment process. Here’s what you need to do to enroll your child at our Pennsylvania cyber school:

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To begin cyber school enrollment online, enter your email address to create an account. You do not need to enter or remember a password. You will be sent a secure link to start your application, which will expire in 30 minutes.

Commonwealth Charter Academy’s enrollment application is the first step in the enrollment process. The form takes about 15 minutes to complete and is split into four easy steps. The application will collect information about the following:

  • Parent/guardian
  • Student
  • Household
  • Technology

You can save and close the application at any time. Upon your submission of the application, the CCA team will review it and reach out to you to complete the next step to enroll in cyber school.

You will need to fill out and submit required documents upon request to enroll in CCA, which you can download on the CCA website. A parent or guardian who is designated as the student’s caretaker will then need to access our parent portal to complete the student information form and submit the required documents. If you have questions at any point in this process, our enrollment team can be reached at 833-609-0752 to assist you.

Great Start Orientation Sessions provide new CCA families a comprehensive overview of parent, student and staff responsibilities. These sessions also provide new families with initial training in the use of edio, our learning management system. For your convenience, families can choose to attend these sessions virtually or in person. A Great Start Orientation Session can be scheduled with the enrollment team after completing the enrollment process.

CCA Enrollment FAQs

While it’s easy to enroll in public cyber charter school, we know you still may have questions about the process. Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions about how to enroll in CCA.

As long as the student is a Pennsylvania resident and is eligible to attend grades K to 12, you may enroll as many students who live in your household as meet those requirements.

CCA works with the whole family to develop a customized learning plan for each child’s unique needs, skills and interests. CCA is an online public school with expertise in education that provides families with the flexibility to do school at a time and place that is convenient for you. We also offer students career-readiness programs to help them determine what they want to do after they graduate from CCA. Your family is at the center of your child’s education at CCA because we know that you understand your child’s needs better than anyone.

As a public school, CCA is required to meet the same regulations as every other public school in the state.

Please do not withdraw students from their current school. We make it so easy to enroll in cyber school that this is a step you don’t need to worry about during the enrollment process. If you wait until the cyber school enrollment process at CCA is complete, our enrollment team will notify the student’s district of the change.

Learn More About CCA

If you’re a Pennsylvania family interested in learning how your child can thrive in a public cyber charter school environment, you have found the right place at CCA.

When you enroll your child in CCA, they enjoy:

A flexible schedule A safe learning environment Laptop and internet access
Students can set their own pace and customize a school day around their family’s schedules. Your student has a safe space to learn, study and explore their interests. CCA provides you with all of the technology you need to start your cyber school experience.

If you’re interested in learning more about CCA, contact a CCA parent to learn about their experience.

Ready to enroll? Fill out this form to start your application and learn why CCA is the right fit for your family.

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Discover the CCA Difference

A CCA cyber school education helps students gain the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to succeed.