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5 Things No One Tells You About Cyber School

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    5 Things No One Tells You About Cyber School

    5 Things No One Tells You About Cyber School

    Cyber school offers an alternative to the traditional brick-and-mortar learning environment. Cyber school students can find success from a personalized curriculum and the flexibility to create a learning schedule that fits their needs and their families’ unique schedules.

    Online learning prepares students for post-graduation college and career paths. In states like Pennsylvania with public cyber charter schools, online learning is offered at no cost to families and provides plenty of socialization opportunities so students can meet friends and classmates.

    Things No One Tells You About Cyber School

    There are many school options for today’s students, thanks to the authorization of public online learning. Some families know little about cyber schools and may believe some common misconceptions, but cyber schools have significantly contributed to student success. Let’s explore some of the things no one tells you about cyber schools.

    1. Students Can Socialize With Other Students and Participate in Local District Activities

    Friendships are an essential part of the school experience. Meeting other children the same age teaches students how to socialize, ask questions, and form connections, many of which they’ll carry throughout their education and beyond.

    A common misconception about cyber school is that it offers few opportunities for students to interact with others and make friends. However, cyber school students can meet other students through various activities their cyber school or local school district offers. Cyber schools often offer socialization opportunities such as the following:

    • Online classroom socialization: Students can interact and collaborate with other students during online class sessions. They can share classes with other students from their state, connecting with people from different backgrounds and experiences.
    • Field trips:Cyber schools often offer educational and social field trips so children can meet their online classmates in person while learning new things and experiencing different places.
    • Clubs:Cyber school students can join online and in-person clubs to socialize with classmates and share common interests. This is an excellent opportunity for them to interact with their peers and expand their experiences.
    • Events: Students can attend social and educational events their local school district offers.
    • Local district sports: Students can join and participate in sports through their local district, providing an outlet for exercise and involving them in their community.
    • School plays and dances: Students can also attend fun dances in their local district or that their cyber school organizes, and some districts let cyber students participate in school plays. These are fantastic opportunities for students to meet friends outside of their online classrooms.

    Cyber school makes it easy for students to participate in extracurricular activities. Students can arrange their schedules to work for them and their activities. CCA offers various online and in-person educational field trips across the state each year, so learners have fun opportunities to learn outside of the online classroom and meet other students.

    2. Parents Can Be More Involved in Their Student’s Education

    Parents can be more involved in their student’s education when their child is enrolled in cyber school. CCA offers a personalized learning program for students to learn from a tailored curriculum that meets their needs. Programs are tailored to students based on their unique interests, pace, competencies, and skills.

    Because of its personalized learning approach, cyber school lets parents help their children choose courses and how they complete assignments. Personalized learning lets students take responsibility for their learning while still involving their parents. Parents can stay informed about their child’s classes and help determine when their child may need additional help or a curriculum change.

    Parents Can Be More Involved in Their Student's Education

    Parents can also help schedule courses to meet their child’s needs and work with them to schedule real-time classes, watch recorded lessons, or skip unneeded supplemental instruction. Parents can also help their children choose between one-on-one, small-group, and whole-group learning environments.

    3. Students and Parents Become Part of a Community

    Cyber school students and their families have the opportunity to become part of a strong community. CCA assigns family mentors to help new families navigate online learning.

    Family mentors are parents from the CCA cyber school community. These veteran cyber school parents offer tips, advice, and yearlong support to families new to the cyber school community. They can exchange helpful tips for helping children adapt to their new learning environment and are a great source of encouragement during the transition. Because of this guidance, families can form a strong, supportive connection with each other.

    4. Public Charter School Is Available at No Cost to Families

    Public cyber school is offered to Pennsylvania families at no cost. In 2002, the Pennsylvania legislature authorized public cyber charter schools, which are independent public school programs operating under a state Department of Education charter.

    Pennsylvania authorized public cyber schools to expand learning opportunities, improve learning programs, provide opportunities for teachers, and encourage innovative teaching methods. They operate as nonprofit organizations and follow state and federal public education laws. Because of the state’s public cyber charter school authorization, students can receive a quality online education without a financial burden.

    5. Career Readiness Is a Key Component of Cyber School Training

    Cyber charter school prepares students for life after graduation. Students receive a personalized education that prepares them for careers in any field. Whether students enter the workforce, attend college, join the military, or enroll in a technical school, CCA prepares them to succeed.

    Each CCA student’s education is tailored to their interests, abilities, and academic needs. When they graduate from CCA, they enter the world ready to approach their goals and dreams. Students carry their lessons learned from online learning into the world and find success.

    Learners can choose courses based on their passions and skills. Teachers and learning coaches help students choose courses and supplemental learning opportunities, such as:

    • A wide variety of electives.
    • Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) courses.
    • Arts and humanities classes.
    • Internships.

    Discover Why Students Love CCA

    Cyber school is an incredibly valuable opportunity for K-12 students in Pennsylvania. The impact of online learning helps students find success in school and their future career fields. Despite common misconceptions about public cyber charter schools, online learning is a flexible educational option offered at no cost to families.

    CCA offers an excellent online learning program for Pennsylvania students. Parents can be actively involved in their children’s education and structure classes around their schedules. Families become part of a strong community, and students can meet friends and socialize through various extracurricular activities, field trips, events, clubs, and local district activities.

    CCA serves K-12 students across Pennsylvania, and we offer year-round open enrollment for all Pennsylvania school districts and counties. Parents and students love CCA because of its flexibility, support, educational opportunities, and extracurricular options.

    CCA can help your child excel academically and achieve goals to prepare for their future. Request information to learn more, and fill out an application to begin the enrollment process and start your child’s CCA journey.

    Discover Why Students Love CCA


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    October 16th, 2023


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