
School Safety
CCA takes learner safety and well-being seriously and believes that all learners should have a safe and comfortable environment in which to learn. Learners, Caretakers, and Learning Coaches are asked to communicate and collaborate with CCA to address concerns related to safety. It is critical that the safety of our learners be everyone’s concern.

All CCA staff members are required to annually complete courses related to internet safety and learners in distress.

Safe2Say Something
Safe2Say Something is a youth violence prevention program run by the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General. The program teaches youth and adults how to recognize warning signs and signals from individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others and to “say something” before it is too late.

Students are encouraged to report tips anonymously to 1-844-Safe2Say (723-2729) or Online at

Child Abuse
Pennsylvania’s Child Protective Services Law requires all CCA employees and those acting on behalf of CCA to report any instance of suspected child abuse. CCA staff members must, by law, notify the ChildLine and Abuse Registry whenever they are concerned about a learner’s safety. It is not the school’s responsibility to determine or investigate prior to reporting.
The Board Policies on Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting and Reporting Employee/Educator Misconduct can be found on CCA’s website.

Internet Safety
The majority of the academic content used by CCA is available within the RMS and should not require the learner to leave the secure site. However, if a Learning Coach or learner is uncomfortable with any linked sites, they should contact their learner’s teacher to discuss alternatives. See Appendix E for CCA’s Acceptable Use Policy.

Webmail and Chat
CCA offers an internal email system called webmail and a direct messaging feature called chat to allow for secure communications with teachers, administrators, learners and Learning Coaches. Webmail and chat messages are not guaranteed to be private and may be monitored.

CCA is committed to providing a safe, productive, and nurturing educational environment for all learners and encourages the promotion of positive interpersonal relations among members of the school community. Bullying creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, and it detracts from the safe environment needed for learning to occur. Bullying and cyberbullying include an intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act or series of acts directed at another person that is persistent, severe, or pervasive and interferes with a learner’s education or creates a threatening environment. Learners or Caretakers should report any instance of bullying or cyberbullying to their principal or any other school personnel. Any report will be promptly reviewed and investigated, and appropriate action will be taken.

It is the responsibility of each learner to respect the rights of teachers, learners, administrators, and all others who are involved in the educational process. Bullying, hazing, and other harmful treatment of others will be subject to disciplinary action. Learners should use proper language, without obscenities, while attending and participating in school courses and functions. Any violation of these policies will result in learner discipline. Please see the school’s Bullying Policy at

Weapons Policy
Weapons, replicas of weapons, and other dangerous instruments (as defined by state law or school policy) are forbidden in Family Service Centers, on school property, and at school-sanctioned events, regardless of location. Weapons shall include, but are not limited to, any loaded or unloaded firearm, any kind of explosive device, any kind of knife, or any other tool, instrument or substance fashioned with the intent to sell or use to harm, threaten or harass learners, staff members, parents or any other visitor or guest of the school.
This policy applies to all learners, caretakers, Learning Coaches and other adults visiting a family service center, or attending a school-sanctioned event. Any learner found in possession of a weapon, regardless of intent, shall be reported to their Caretakers and the police. The learner will be placed on suspension and presented to the Board for a formal hearing in accordance with the discipline policy.

In general, a learner found in possession of a weapon may be expelled from CCA for a period of not less than one year. The board may modify the expulsion period on a case-by-case basis at the recommendation of the President and CEO.

Anyone in possession of a weapon will be asked to remove the weapon from the premises. CCA reserves the right to exclude caretakers, Learning Coaches, or other individuals from CCA property, or school-sanctioned events, if CCA administration believes the safety of students, staff or other individuals may be compromised.

Drug and Alcohol Policy
Drugs and alcohol are prohibited at all school-sanctioned events and in all CCA-owned and-leased buildings. Any violation of these policies will result in learner discipline. The most meaningful approaches to drug and alcohol abuse involve cooperative efforts on the part of learners, parents, CCA, and community agencies. CCA recognizes the need to manage and treat the problem of drug and alcohol abuse and has instituted a Student Assistance Program (SAP) that is available to refer learners for the appropriate help.