Roles and Responsibilities

Caretaker Roles and Responsibilities
The term Caretaker is used for the learner’s parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) who enroll the learner and satisfy enrollment requirements. All Caretakers are also identified as the Learning Coach for children enrolled in CCA. Caretakers may also designate another adult(s) as additional Learning Coach(es) – this person would then be considered a designated Learning Coach. The Caretaker has full and final responsibility for the learner’s education and educational decision-making. The Caretaker is responsible for notifying the school if the learner is experiencing issues with technology, difficulty in a subject, or difficulty in working in an online environment. Representatives of the school are available to help in all of these situations.

Learning Coach Roles and Responsibilities
The Learning Coach is typically a Caretaker, although, it can be any designated adult who performs tasks, such as supporting teacher instruction, overseeing the learner’s independent practice, and communicating with CCA teachers. Each learner must have at least one Learning Coach.

Designated Learning Coach Roles and Responsibilities
A Designated Learning Coach is someone identified by the Caretaker as another adult who has oversight of the learner’s daily schoolwork and activities. A form must be completed and submitted to CCA by the Caretaker designating this individual in this capacity. A Designated Learning Coach supporting more than four (4) learners is encouraged to notify CCA.

Learner Roles and Responsibilities
CCA has adopted the term “learner” instead of student to imply the critical process that the child has in learning content and material. The learner’s responsibility is to learn to the best of his or her ability and to assume age-appropriate responsibility for learning. Learners are responsible for:

Learners, Caretakers and Learning Coaches are also responsible to be familiar with and follow the Commonwealth Charter Academy’s Policies, which are available here and other guidelines available here.