
Grade Book
The grade book allows all Learners, Caretakers and/or Learning Coaches to view grades from electronic assessments (immediate and automatic postings) and written work (posted by teachers after work is evaluated). The grade book is always available to Caretakers and Learning Coaches and reflects the learner’s current status in each course.

Course Grade
The learner’s gradebook in edio provides a “Grade” in each subject. The “Grade” reflects what the learner has earned on all assignments that have been submitted and graded thus far, along with any overdue work factored in as a temporary zero.

Academic Honors: Grades K-12
To acknowledge exemplary academic performance, CCA will award learners in grades K-12 with the designation of Honor Roll or Distinguished Honor Roll if they meet the following requirements:

Electives in Elementary and Middle School
All learners can pick electives for the school year. To remain eligible for electives, learners in grades K-8 must maintain the following criteria:

If these criteria are not maintained, the learner will be dropped from elective courses until criteria is met.

High School Grading
Learners are awarded credit for courses in which they have earned a grade of D- or higher. This applies to courses taken at CCA and other schools. Courses required for graduation must be retaken by the learner if a grade of D- or higher is not earned. The school’s grading scale is below.

Semester and year-end grade point average (GPA) follow a four-point scale (below). GPAs include only graded courses; pass/fail courses will not be averaged into a learner’s GPA. Passing grades for Honors courses are weighted with one-half (0.5) extra grade point. Passing grades for Advanced Placement (AP), and College in the
High/Dual Enrollment courses are weighted with one (1) extra grade point.

High School Promotion Policies
The following credits are required to be promoted from one grade to the next:

Classification          Grade          Number of Credits
Freshman                    9               0 – 4.99
Sophomore                10              5 – 9.99
Junior                         11               10 – 15.99
Senior                         12               16+

At the time of a learner’s enrollment, CCA school counselors will establish estimated grade levels based on preliminary information about previously earned credits. Learner grade levels can be adjusted during the school year based on the learner’s earned and verified credits recorded.

In certain situations, the school counselor may also adjust the learner’s grade level to appropriately match the learner’s academic needs. This will be done in consultation with the learner, Learning Coach, and the school administrator.