Appendix B: Commonwealth Charter Academy Honor Code

Commonwealth Charter Academy is dedicated to learner achievement at the highest level and expects academic honesty to be a core value for all its learners, parents, and staff. By making the choice to enroll in CCA, our learners and their parents/guardians have taken charge of their education and demonstrated a genuine desire to fulfill their academic potential.

Cheating, plagiarizing and other acts of academic dishonesty are directly counter to the principles of academic excellence. Academic dishonesty harms those learners who engage in such activities because they cheat themselves of the opportunity to fully learn from academic events and develop their own abilities and skills.

As a CCA learner, I know that academic honesty is critical to my own success, as well as to the mission of my school. I understand that my word is an expression of myself and my character. I respect the property of others. I set goals to achieve my best. I participate in school on a regular basis and complete assignments to the best of my ability. Together, CCA and I are working to prepare me for my future. I uphold not only the specifics in the CCA Code of Honor but the implied intent of the commitment toward excellence and honesty I agree that I will…

  • Fully understand plagiarism and will not use “lack of knowledge” as an excuse for engaging in plagiarism.
  • Complete assessments only after I have studied the lessons leading up to that test or quiz.
  • Never submit work of any kind that is not my own, nor ever give my work to other learners to submit as their own.
  • Never share or post lesson content from edio quiz or test questions or answers on the internet or in other public spaces.
  • Do not submit answers to edio quizzes or tests that you have found online.
  • Never submit a forged document or signature to CCA or its teachers or administrators.
  • Never plagiarize in written, oral or creative work.
  • Never give or receive unauthorized assistance on assessments. I understand that all assessments are “Closedbook” and that my Learning Coach shall not help in determining answers on assessments.
  • Adhere to all CCA Learner Conduct guidelines for proper use of the internet.
  • Appropriately use all the CCA equipment and materials provided to me.
  • Accept the consequences, including disciplinary action, of breaking this Honor Code.