School-Parent Contract
Commonwealth Charter Academy and the parents of the learners participating in activities, services, and programs funded by Title I, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) (participating children), agree that this compact outlines how the parents/legal guardian, the entire school staff, and the learners will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the state’s high standards.
School Responsibilities
Commonwealth Charter Academy will:
- Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables participating children (each individual learner) to meet the state’s student academic achievement standards as follows:
- Use of the RMS system (edio and edioGo)
- Curriculum is aligned with Pennsylvania Core Standards
- Appropriately State-Certified Teachers
- One-on-One tutoring offered to learners
- Specialized classes for struggling learners or learners who need enrichment (AP classes are offered to students as desired)
- Guided and Live Classroom Sessions
- Evening Support Room
- Employment of Instructional Coaches
- Curriculum and materials provided to learners (each learner is offered a computer, printer, second monitor and most current textbooks on grade-appropriate level. Instructional Technology Subsidy (ITS) reimbursement, per household)
- Summer courses offered to learners if needed.
- School-sponsored educational, social, IDEA, and language immersion events.
- Innovative Programs department to assist learners in determining career goals.
- Community Class Reimbursement program available to all enrolled learners
- Hold parent-teacher conferences (at least annually in elementary schools) during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement. Parents and teachers may discuss learner issues anytime via webmail, phone, chat, and face-to-face. Parents are also welcome to attend or view the learner guided and live classroom sessions.
- Provide parents with frequent reports on their child’s progress. Parents always have access to their learner’s grade book and progress report. The learner’s overall grade average is listed on the student and learning coach dashboard. Students are able to see if they are on track with their teacher.
- Provide parents reasonable access to staff. School staff are available via webmail and phone. During office hours, they are available via face-to-face visits and live classroom sessions. Teachers are also available via the edio chat function. School staff participate in field trips and home visits, and evening support room sessions.
- Provide parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and to observe classroom activities. Parents may join their learners in guided and live classroom sessions, field trips, and other school events. Parents can have constant teacher contact via webmail, chat, and phone. All guided and live classroom sessions are recorded for families to view later.
- Provide Parent and Learner Support. Specifically, the school will provide support as follows:
- Family Mentor Support (including Regional FMs, Coffee Talk FM Sessions, FM Facebook page and guides, FM Newsletters)
- Learning Coach Outreach Sessions
- Field Trips: Educational, Social, IDEA, Language Immersion
- Great Start Orientations
- Tutoring (Face-to-Face or live classroom session)
- Evening Support Room
- Teacher Office Hours
- School Counselors
- Student Assistance Program (SAP)
- Provide Rubrics for assigned lessons as required
- Teacher Lunch Bunch sessions
- Virtual Recess
- Teacher Communication
- Principal Updates
- School Nurse is available for families
- Transact as needed for other languages
- CCA Pregnant and Parenting Support Team (CCAPPS)
- Tech Support for families and staff
- Edio Features: Chat, Help Center & edioGO
Caretaker/Learning Coach Responsibilities
I, as a parent (and Learning Coach), understand that I am partnering with CCA to educate my learner and I commit to support my child’s learning in the following ways:
- Believe that my child is a unique learner and that they will learn on a daily basis. I will ensure that my child is attending school and demonstrating their best effort. I commit to assisting in the learning process but not to do my child’s work. I commit to making sure that my learner follows through on assignments and expectations. I will help
my child become a self-directed learner by encouraging him/her to do their best work.
- Stress to my child how important education is to their future
- Provide open, honest and frequent communication with the school by
- Logging in to the edio caretaker account on each approved school day
- Resolving any unexcused absences within 3 days (being aware of truancy requirements)
- Viewing my learner’s gradebook weekly to check academic progress, communicating academic and learning concerns to teacher/s
- Checking webmail daily
- Making sure that schoolwork is completed in accordance with the edio schedule
- Being available to speak to school staff
- Monitoring computer usage. Laptops are to be used for schoolwork only
- Be an active participant in my child’s schoolwork (Expect to assist younger learners with more hands-on learning.)
- Participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to my children’s education
- Promote positive use of my child’s extracurricular time
- Encourage my child to be physically active
- Encourage my child to attend field trips and school events
- Promote a positive and encouraging attitude toward school
- Review assessments before submitting
- Motivate learners and foster a good relationship with teachers
- Create a designated learning space in my home
- Stay informed about my child’s education and communicate with the school by promptly reading all notices from the school either received by my child or by mail and responding, within 48 hours to an administrator communication
- Serve, to the extent possible, on policy advisory groups
- Report demographic updates within 48 hours of change
- Update the contact information for the adult on record, and/or for the site in which the learner is participating in school.
- Provide an updated home address if we move.
- Call tech support within 2 school days if my child is experiencing technology issues (including power outages) that are impeding their participation in school.
Learner Responsibilities
I, as a CCA student, understand the importance of learning and will share the responsibility to improve my academic achievement and achieve the State’s high standards. I understand the importance of learning and will:
- Be an active, engaged learner and do my best work.
- Be responsible for my own learning; understanding my goals, my strengths, and my areas of growth. I will work
toward being a self-directed learner.
- Partnering and fostering a good relationship with teachers.
- Complete onboarding tasks within 3 days of enrollment (as a new learner) to demonstrate my commitment to learning.
- Use my CCA-issued laptop only for school activities.
- Log in and complete school work on each approved school day and ask for help when needed.
- Read at least 30 minutes every day outside of school time.
- Communicate with school staff and maintain contact with teachers.
- Respond to communication, within 48 hours.
- Attend all guided and live classroom sessions as needed or required by school staff.
- Watch the recording if unable to attend a guided or live classroom session.
- Check webmail and notifications daily.
- Give my Caretakers and Learning Coaches (or the adult who is responsible for my welfare) all school-related notices and information
- Respect Caretakers and Learning Coaches, school staff, and other individuals involved in my learning process.
- Foster a good relationship with teachers and classmates.
- Be respectful of others while using the school website.