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What Does Truancy Mean in Cyber School?

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    What Does Truancy Mean in Cyber School?

    What Does Truancy Mean in Cyber School?

    It should come as no surprise that your child’s attendance has a significant impact on their performance in school. Studies show that consistent attendanceis linked to improved student grades and increased GPAs. It’s also the strongest predictor of a student’s college performance. When students attend class, they receive additional information and support from their teacher to help them understand complex topics.

    Attending school is pivotal to your child’s success in their studies and life, so much so that it’s required by law. But what if your child attends school online? In this guide, we’ll explore the meaning of truancy for online school.

    What Does Truancy Mean in School?

    All children of compulsory school age must attend school. In Pennsylvania, compulsory school age begins when parents enroll their child in school or the child turns six years old. The parents or a legal guardian are responsible for ensuring their child attends school to avoid truancy.

    The definition of truancy in school varies slightly depending on the state policies where you live. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, truancy is any unexcused absence from school. A child is considered truant when they accumulate three or more unexcused absences.

    An unexcused absence is assigned when the student fails to provide an approved excuse for missing class. Each school district creates its own attendance policies, but most allow absences for the following reasons:

    • Medical or dental appointments
    • Illness
    • Death of a family member
    • Family emergencies
    • Approved educational travel

    All teachers, principals, and tutors must report truant students to the appropriate officials. If truancy is an issue, the school is required by law to meet with you and your child to create an attendance management plan. If the student continues to miss school, the child and their parents are subject to legal action including, fines, community service, and education programs.

    Attendance Requirements for Cyber Charter Schools

    Compulsory attendance applies to all children, whether they attend a public, private, or charter school. Even cyber charter schools are obligated to enforce these rules and report unexcused absences to the Pennsylvania Department of Education. They are solely responsible for filing citations and holding attendance improvement conferences for truant students, just like a traditional public school.

    All charter schools, cyber included, must establish an attendance policy. A charter school’s attendance policy may be different from the school district’s policy where you live. Since cyber students can’t confirm their attendance by showing up physically, cyber charters must create a system that works with their online platforms. For instance, CCA students track their attendance by logging into edio — our online relationship management system — every school day according to the school calendar. If a student misses a day, their caretaker can submit the necessary documentation within edio to excuse their absence.

    Why Your Child May Be Skipping School

    Children don’t usually skip school to cause trouble. There’s always a reason for their behavior. Understanding why your child is missing school will help you create a plan to improve their attendance. Most children avoid school for the following reasons:

    1. Family Life

    Children are significantly impacted by their personal life at home. They rely on their parents to help support and guide them through school. Here are some factors that may contribute to their truancy:

    • Low parental involvement
    • Lack of parental supervision
    • Abuse and neglect
    • Pressure to provide for the family
    • Stressful family events
    • Lack of value placed on education

    2. School Experience

    School Experience

    A school is responsible for creating a safe and welcoming environment where children feel comfortable and excited to learn. Schools that lack these necessities, in effect, discourage their students from attending class. Truant students often claim the following issues:

    • Unaddressed bullying
    • Boring classes
    • Loss of interest
    • Undiagnosed learning disabilities
    • Low-quality teachers
    • Poor relationship with faculty
    • Lack of school facilities
    • Poor learning conditions

    3. Economic Circumstances

    Some children are burdened by economic hardships in their life. The following factors make it challenging for them to attend school:

    • Low family income
    • Unstable housing
    • Unsafe neighborhoods
    • Living with a single-parent
    • Inconsistent access to necessities — clothing, food, running water

    4. Personal Challenges

    Your child’s physical, emotional, and social health may contribute to absences. Here are some personal challenges that may cause truancy:

    • Anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder
    • Poor academic performance
    • Negative peer pressure
    • Low self-esteem
    • Drug and alcohol use
    • Teenage pregnancy and motherhood
    • Lack of commitment to school

    How to Prevent Truancy in Your Child

    Children must attend school to gather the knowledge and skills to become successful adults. Truancy issues are stressful and can prevent them from reaching their full potential. Consider these tips to improve your child’s attendance record:

    • Set expectations and consequences: As a parent, it’s crucial to give your children boundaries to encourage positive behaviors. Explain why it’s important to attend school and why skipping is unacceptable. Outline the consequences for an unexcused absence and follow through with them if it happens again.
    • Ask your child about school: Taking an active role in your child’s education is a crucial part of dropout prevention. Encouraging them to talk about school gets them excited about learning and provides insight into their day. It can also help you identify influences that are harming their attendance.
    • Communicate with administration: Maintain communication with your child’s teachers and guidance counselor to monitor their progress and address issues as a team.
    • Understand the attendance policy: Review your school’s attendance policy so that you know the difference between excused and unexcused absences and how to submit the necessary documentation.
    • Support your child’s needs: Prepare your child with the supplies and clothing they need for school. If you need assistance, contact your school or local social services agency. They’ll connect you with resources to help you provide for your family.
    • Create a healthy routine: Set times for your child to do their homework, sleep, wake up, eat breakfast, and head off to school. Children thrive when they follow a consistent routine.

    What to Know About CCA’s Academic Programs

    Truancy is often a sign that your child is generally unhappy at school. If they report bullying or not feeling challenged in their classes, consider switching them to another school. There are plenty of alternative education options besides the public school district. Commonwealth Charter Academy is a cyber charter that provides students with a safe and inclusive education from the comfort of home.

    Our K-12 academic programs provide flexible learning and customized curriculum tailored to your child’s interests and needs. Students play an active role in choosing their courses and setting their own pace, so they never feel rushed or bored. Our teachers deliver the highest quality instruction and support so that your child feels empowered and excited to learn.

    Overcome Truancy With CCA

    A traditional public school doesn’t work for everyone. CCA takes a personalized approach that caters to your child’s unique interests, talents, and abilities. We’re committed to providing a safe and dynamic learning environment where your child can thrive.

    Request more information on how CCA could be the solution to your child’s truancy or browse our blog for additional educational resources for students and families.

    Overcome Truancy With CCA


    Commonwealth Charter Academy


    October 17th, 2024


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