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How to Teach Your Child Positive Thinking

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    How to Teach Your Child Positive Thinking

    How to Teach Your Child Positive Thinking

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    Sometimes, it’s challenging to see the glass half full. However, developing a positive mindset is beneficial for self-image and the ability to tackle new experiences. This is especially important for children who are learning new things every day. 

    As a parent, you want to give your child the tools to succeed. Negative thoughts can creep into their mind and prevent them from reaching their full potential. Positivity can help your child handle new school and life experiences so they can rise to the challenge. Here are some insights and tips you can use to help your child develop positive thinking. 

    Why Do Kids Think Negatively?

    A negative outlook is common in children who struggle socially or academically and experience more setbacks than other kids. Children with negative thoughts often make comments like, “No one likes me,” or “I’ll never learn that.” What seems like unrealistic fears or false criticisms to you may feel like facts in your child’s mind. 

    Children can become trapped in negative thinking patterns that prevent them from seeing the positivity in their life. Their mind can magnify a minor disappointment into a major catastrophe. Alternatively, kids may minimize positive experiences, making it difficult for them to break out of a negative mindset. Children can be very hard on themselves and create unreasonable standards for themselves. 

    If you are worried about how negativity affects your child, there are ways you can help them develop a positive mindset. Negative emotions in children are expected and valid, but parents can help instill ways to challenge and overcome these feelings. 

    Is There a Link Between a Positive Attitude and Academic Success?

    If a child grows up to reflect positively on life’s challenges, they can bring that go-getter attitude into their academic performance. Parents and teachers may notice that children with a positive attitude toward a subject tend to perform better in that class. Scientists are discovering evidence to support that observation.

    A research study from the Stanford University School of Medicine found that a positive attitude towards math improved students’ ability to answer math problems. Their findings suggest that positivity improves our memory and problem-solving abilities.

    Children who have an optimistic mindset about school may perform better academically. A positive attitude can motivate your child and boost their ability to learn. In this way, encouraging your child to think positively now may increase their academic achievement in the future.

    Tips to Encourage Positivity in Your Child

    Teaching your child to think positively is easier than you may think. It requires simple activities and discussions you can practice with your child daily. These tips can help your child transform their thoughts, so they feel more positive:

    1. Encourage Them to Share Their Feelings

    Acknowledging your child’s emotions can help them develop a positive mindset. If your child seems upset, allow them to chat through their thoughts with you. You can remind them it is normal to feel angry or sad sometimes, and these negative emotions will pass. Once your child understands these feelings are only temporary, they may be less likely to dwell on negativity. 

    You can also help your child brainstorm potential solutions to their issue. This can help your child develop a problem-solving attitude, which can help them see things from a positive perspective over time. 

    2. Emphasize the Day’s Events That Went Well

    While your child is sharing their day with you, be sure to emphasize the positive events rather than focusing on the negative. Steering the conversation away from the bad aspects can help your child stay focused on the good things that happened. With this practice, your child can learn to recognize the positive things in life and develop an optimistic attitude. They may feel more satisfaction and less stress throughout their lives if you encourage them to practice positive reflection.

    Emphasize the days that went well.

    3. Surround Your Child With Positive People

    Children are impacted by the people who surround them. Their friends and family members have a large influence over their outlook on life. The tone of language that is used around your child can create a positive or negative environment. Surround your child with positive people, and they may develop a similar perception.

    4. Teach Your Child Positive Self-Talk and Affirmations

    Create a list of scripted phrases with your child to help them feel empowered. When faced with a negative situation, they can repeat these phrases to help them focus on staying positive. Choose expressions like, “I can do this,” and “I will do better next time.” Teaching kids to practice positive self-talk can help prevent negative ideas from bringing them down and instill the confidence and positivity to tackle any challenge.

    5. Treat Failures as Learning Opportunities

    Encourage your children by teaching them failure is an essential part of learning. Challenging experiences allow children to develop useful problem-solving skills. When your child fails, discuss the situation with them. Allow them to review their mistake and encourage them to think of ways to do better next time. This strategy teaches children to see the bright side of any negative situation.

    6. Focus on Your Child’s Strengths

    If your child is feeling negative about themselves, help them shift their mindset to focus on their strengths. Children build confidence when they focus on the things they do well. 

    Perhaps they are discouraged from getting a bad grade on a math test. Try reminding them about how fast they can read. Tell them about something else you love about them. Bring their attention to traits that make them feel good. Reminding them of their unique talents can help them think positively about themselves. 

    7. Let Your Child Do What They Love

    It’s easier for children to think positively when they are doing something they enjoy. Allowing your child to do something they love can help them focus on the positive in their life. 

    For a child who struggles in school, the classroom can be a major source of negativity. Find a school that allows your child to pursue their dreams and passions. At Commonwealth Charter Academy (CCA), our personalized curriculum allows students to choose subjects that are relevant to their interests. 

    8. Be Positive Yourself

    Your child looks up to you and learns from your behavior. You are their role model and can encourage positive thinking by practicing it yourself. Children can learn how to express their emotions healthily if you show them how. Inspire your children with positive stories about your day without focusing on negativity.

    Promoting Positivity at CCA

    At CCA, we cultivate positive thinking for kids with our engaging curriculum and supportive educators. Students get to choose the courses that match their unique interests and learn about topics they love. They can master skills at their own pace, giving them time to learn and grow.

    We understand making mistakes is an essential part of learning. Our teachers provide multiple levels of support for students to achieve success. Students can view class recordings multiple times and receive feedback from their teachers until they master a skill for themselves.

    Students can become confident in their abilities and build a positive mindset about learning. Your child can approach new experiences with optimism that will increase their academic success. If you are intrigued with how CCA can foster your child’s positivity, learn more about enrolling today.

    Promoting Positivity at CCA


    Commonwealth Charter Academy


    April 19th, 2022


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