2025-2026 School Year Enrollment Now Open. Click Here
2025-2026 School Year Enrollment Now Open. Click Here
For most students, attending a cyber, or online, school is the dream. They have expectations that they’ll get to sleep in, finish their homework on their own time, stay all day in their pajamas, and laze around the house throughout the day. While some of these expectations are true, many students and parents misinterpret the reality of online schooling.
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, many schools switched to an online platform for their students. Students were able to remotely take lessons and limit the risk of exposure. However, this transition to a temporary online platform did not function the same way as a traditional all-online school.
Some of the misconceptions that many people associate with an online schools are as follows:
It is of the utmost importance that you truly understand the reality behind online schools before participating. Without having the correct expectations, you may find yourself having a much more difficult time than you would have thought.
Flexibility can be a main motivator in gravitating toward an all-online program, but it’s important to understand the reality.
Families will have more free time due to extreme flexibility and easy scheduling.
Free time and flexibility are both luxuries associated with good time management skills.
Effective time management skills are key to creating as much free time as possible. Most assignments will have deadlines associated with them. Take the time to plan out your student’s schedules and find ways they can incorporate work into unproductive time slots. By finding extra time to complete smaller tasks or begin working on larger projects, you can help your child minimize their evening workload.
Because online school always requires a stable internet connection, there are moments when the power goes out or the internet is spotty and unstable. If you utilize proper time management skills, your student can overcome these obstacles without the fear of falling behind.
For more tips and tricks to help with time management skills, take a look at our helpful guide.
Whether classes are held online or in person, parental involvement is key to student success.
Parents believe that online school will limit their involvement. A certified teacher uses a specified learning curriculum and works with their child.
Parents play an important role in their child’s education. Online schools expect parents to take a more proactive approach to help their children succeed.
As a parent, your task is to ensure that your student attends classes and completes their tasks. You can go about this process in a variety of different ways. For some, creating a strict schedule that you follow along with your child is the best approach. You show your commitment to their education and show them that they are not alone.
Other parents may prefer to let their children complete tasks on their own throughout the day and then touch base in the evening. The possibilities are limitless as to how you can become involved.
Whichever method you prefer, you must take part in the education process. Online learning may seem like a one-person affair, but the reality is online schooling involves the whole family.
All learning styles can be accommodated through cyber school.
There will be no teacher or live instruction to help guide the students.
Students are more than welcome to participate in live lessons or to watch recorded lessons. These methods ensure more student flexibility.
Some students don’t have the desire or capabilities to fully learn and implement a concept on their own. While online schooling does have some self-learning involved, your child will not be wholly on their own. Online schools offer several different learning environments. Many cyber schools will have prerecorded videos for your student to watch and learn from. The school might even have designated time slots for students to interact and ask questions with a certified teacher.
With online classes, technology is an asset, not a hindrance.
Online school is too easy because students can look up answers and complete assignments whenever.
Online schools are accredited and follow strict deadlines. They expect their students to take their education seriously if they want to graduate.
Online schools are aware of these misconceptions associated with them. Some people view an online platform as easy and a way to promote laziness. The flexible hours, ability to work from home, and online capabilities suggest an unproductive learning environment. Nothing is further from the truth.
Online schools expect you and your child to take their education seriously. They trust that their students make the effort to ensure honesty and academic integrity. Online schools incorporate strict but reasonable deadlines to keep your child focused and on track.
Experts and parents know that socializing and making friends are crucial aspects of the school experience.
Students will be unable to socialize with other students.
Students have many different options to socialize with their peers. From virtual interactions to school field trips, schools encourage social interactions.
One of the key components of a brick-and-mortar school is socializing. Your child is around other students their age who share similar interests and can assist when the classwork gets tough.
Online schools recognize the importance of socialization and do not keep their students isolated. These schools implement various strategies to keep students connected and learn better ways to socialize.
At Commonwealth Charter Academy (CCA), we make sure to offer students as many social interactions as possible. We offer an assortment of social clubs and field trips where like-minded students can have the chance to interact and connect. With online school field trips, your student can participate in social events without it affecting their lessons.
Courses should reflect the different learning styles of students.
Classes will be similar to traditional brick-and-mortar schools, except the information is online.
Many cyber schools offer personalized learning curricula tailored to fit every students’ needs and interests.
Traditional brick-and-mortar schools teach all the students at the same time and at the same speed. The school system requires all students to take the same exams and the same classes. This situation makes learning hard for students who have a hard time keeping up with other students or could benefit from more challenging content.
Online schools allow for a more customized and personalized experience for your student. They can learn at their own pace and safely make mistakes without suffering repercussions.
Don’t let your current expectations of online schools deter you from providing your child with the best learning experience for them. At CCA, we offer the best online experience for your child. We provide your child with the personalized learning experience that works best for them. You and your child decide which courses to take, and each one provides a safe place to practice new concepts and ideas.
Contact us today and see how CCA can better your child’s education.
2025-2026 School Year Enrollment Now Open. Click Here