2025-2026 School Year Enrollment Now Open. Click Here
2025-2026 School Year Enrollment Now Open. Click Here
For parents, CCA’s cyber learning opens a window into the school day that brick-and-mortar schools don’t. Lessons presented by certified teachers unfold in the safety of home learning spaces. For younger students or those new to cyber learning, parental involvement is a key to success. That’s why we call parents and guardians, or their trusted designees, “learning coaches.” A cyber school learning coach is a key player on the educational team, communicating with teachers and keeping students engaged in lessons.
At CCA, we understand that parents have many questions about how to be an effective learning coach. After all, teachers are highly trained, so why not parents, too? Our face-to-face learning coach outreach sessions, held in multiple locations throughout Pennsylvania, offer training in the fundamentals so parents and guardians can make the most of online learning.
Through CCA’s learning coach outreach sessions, parents gain the confidence to guide their children’s learning and the knowledge that they are part of a team pulling together for their children’s success. Kids also make new friends and head home eager to dive into their online lessons.
Each session starts by answering that fundamental question, “What is a learning coach?” Although the role of the personalized learning coach will be unique to each family, our training sessions help families understand the power of the learning coach to promote student success.
CCA’s learning coach sessions are usually held during the summer and fall. CCA staff provides hands-on training, starting with an introduction to edio, CCA’s customized learning management system. Learning coaches practice the tactics that mark the school days, such as taking attendance and logging completed assignments.
Our fall outreach sessions go in depth through conference-type workshop sessions led by multiple teachers. This is the opportunity to get into the nuts and bolts of online schooling, with such topics as “Note Taking,” “Finding Grit in Your Student,” “Loving Your Student While Helping Them Learn” and “When Will I Ever Use This?”
The sessions include time for learning coaches to network with each other, as they build vibrant support systems for the learning journey. And, while parents are learning the art of coaching, their children are with other learners. Under the eye of CCA teachers, they complete their daily lessons and enjoy fun activities that spark the joy of learning.
Learning coach training is only the beginning of CCA’s comprehensive support services. Families get the help they need, when they need it. Our family involvement coordinators and family mentors give parents and guardians the tools to succeed. Our Family Service Centers are safe, comfortable places where families and learners can find in-person help and tutoring addressing all aspects of online learning.
Every family is busy. All parents juggle an array of responsibilities that make it challenging to carve out time for training. Why take the time to understand the role of the learning coach? Consider it an investment that results in rewards in family time management and your child’s school success.
Students progress when the learning coach is equipped with fresh ideas and an understanding of how learning prepares children for lifetime success and fulfillment. The school curriculum can seem like a bewildering array of subjects. Learning coaches who know how to navigate edio are adept at logging assignments, tracking progress and creating an in-home atmosphere devoted to a routine that prioritizes learning. Put it all together, and learning coach outreach sessions ensure every family an enriching educational experience.
School students approach the new school year with anticipation and a bit of trepidation. Will they like the teacher? Will they make friends? The more uncertainty, the less confident the learner will feel about those first days of school. Of course, learning coaches themselves can feel anxious about their roles, especially if they haven’t had practice in the tasks expected of them.
Learning coach outreach sessions are special programs teaching parents and their children the basics of moving through the learning management system. Advance exposure removes the speed bumps that dampen enthusiasm, and children make progress as they build confidence in their own learning abilities.
CCA families are a unique breed, so deeply committed to their children’s education that they bring learning into the home. Even though they are spread throughout the state and its regions, they form supportive networks threaded through with shared experiences and common convictions. CCA’s learning coach outreach sessions offer an early opportunity in the cyberschooling journey for families to meet face to face. Parents find allies in their quest for personalized learning that addresses their children’s unique needs. Children make new friendships that can last a lifetime.
Supporting terms to include:
At CCA, no parent is alone. Our team-oriented approach ensures that every family has access to help, guidance and support from an array of people and sources. Our goal is ensuring that families adjust to cyberschooling as they discover the priceless benefits of CCA’s personalized learning approach.
Our learning coach outreach sessions are a great start. They offer parents and guardians hands-on practice in using our exclusive edio learning management system to make the most of tracking and monitoring their students’ progress.
Of course, there’s more to learning than accessing virtual lessons and entering completed assignments into a computer. Parents and guardians have lots of questions. How do I get approval for a student sick day? How do I keep my child focused on schoolwork? Everyone talks about time management, but how do I teach it to my child? When is it time to take off the learning coach hat and put on the parent hat?
CCA’s family mentors are a parent resource, there to answer these questions and more. Family mentors are veteran CCA parents who are specially trained in teaching new families the ropes. Through active Facebook pages, phone calls and one-on-one sessions, they provide the support that helps new CCA families adjust to online learning and sail smoothly into a successful cyber schooling experience.
At CCA, we see learning as a family affair. We believe in it so wholeheartedly that we offer all the resources and supports that parents and guardians need to make learning a joyful experience that enriches family life. Learn more about CCA’s commitment to helping students and families achieve success.
2025-2026 School Year Enrollment Now Open. Click Here