Teacher Appreciation Ideas for Students

Of course your child’s teachers know they’re appreciated — right?

Or do they? Teachers know they’re doing priceless work, guiding and shaping young minds and characters. They chose the classroom as a calling, not just a profession, so they don’t ask for constant thanks.

However, knowing how to tell your teacher you appreciate them can make a big difference. After all, teachers work hard, often under trying circumstances. Their day begins well before students come to class and continues long after the kids are playing in their backyards. 

A small gesture or a simple thank you note for your teacher goes a long way.

The Importance of Saying Thank You

Why should you thank your teachers? Because they impact lives every day. The best teachers bring a contagious energy into the classroom, making learning fun. But even great teachers are human. They get tired and even discouraged, which affects how well they do their job. Hearing a few nice words can rekindle the fire in their hearts and help them keep up the endless energy it takes to keep kids engaged every day. 

Think of some of the reasons you might want to thank your teachers, during teacher appreciation week or any time of the year. Maybe the teacher:

  • Helped your child get through a stubborn block in understanding basic math or language concepts.
  • Worked with you to adjust your child’s homework assignments when the family was in an emergency.
  • Said something that boosted your child’s confidence and self-esteem.

Remember those moments when you’re looking for teacher appreciation week ideas, and put them into your expressions of thanks. 

Write a Thank You Note or Letter

Even in the age of texts and emails, nothing tops a handwritten note. A note or letter is something the teacher can treasure and save as a keepsake, to read again and again for years to come.

Try these tips for a teacher thank you note that comes from the heart:

  • Start with your appreciation, saying something like “Thank you for your hard work” or “Thanks for all you do.”
  • Get specific. Say that you are writing to thank the teacher who taught you to love a certain subject, helped your child achieve a goal, was patient through difficult times or projected a positive attitude every day.
  • Consider using a quote that summarizes your feelings. Lily Tomlin said, “I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework.” Malcolm X said, “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” Look online or in a quotationary to find the perfect quote.
  • Close with a few words of encouragement and hope, such as “Enjoy your summer! I look forward to seeing you next year!”

Give a Gift

Gifts don’t have to be elaborate or expensive to be appreciated. In fact, any teacher will say that gifts from the heart are the best.

First, check your school’s policies to make sure that teachers may accept gifts. Then consider one of these thoughtful ideas.

  • Classroom gifts or school supplies: Did you know many teachers spend their own money to add classroom supplies to those they’ve been given by the school? Help ease their budget by offering something they can use in the classroom. Consider notepads, markers, books, a unique pen or a clever organizer.
  • Gift baskets: What does the teacher love to do or eat? Get creative and wrap it all in a gift basket! Consider an assortment of teas for the tea lover, popcorn and candy for the movie lover, or fun ties and socks for the stylish teacher. If you know what they like to eat, pull together a gift basket of prepackaged foods, such as favorite cookies, chips or energy bars. 
  • Gift cards: Gift cards come in so many choices that it’s easy to find one that suits the teacher. It can be for coffee — because every teacher needs that early-morning caffeine — or a favorite store or restaurant.

Make a Gesture

As the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. A considerate gesture or offer to help brings your thanks to life for the teacher to see.

Try some of these ideas for gestures that the teacher will remember.

  • Offer to clean up the classroom after class.
  • Volunteer to help during projects and events.
  • Put away misplaced items when you find them around the classroom.
  • Keep your station clean so your teacher doesn’t have to do it. 
  • Tell the principal what you appreciate about your teacher. 
  • Keep your assignments neat, and hand them in on time.

Make a Handmade Gift

A handmade gift expresses true thanks. Use your time and talents to make something that your teacher will cherish forever.

  • Draw a picture: It might be a drawing that demonstrates what you appreciate about the teacher, or it can be a pretty scene from your backyard. For children who aren’t writing yet, drawing a picture is a great way to say thanks without words.
  • Make a craft: Kids love crafting, and teachers love handmade gifts. Using craft kits or getting creative with supplies around the home, kids can make bracelets, journals or scarves that teachers will use and love. Consider making a craft from natural materials, such as a wreath or wall hanging.
  • Personalize a gift with the teacher’s name: Coffee mugs, notebook covers, pens and pencils, tote bags — plenty of things can be personalized with the teacher’s name. The teacher will think of your child every time they use it. 

Build an Appreciative Relationship With Your CCA Teachers

At CCA, teachers, parents and students work together on the road to academic and lifetime success. Children receive personalized learning plans, crafted to address their strengths, passions and challenges. By the time they graduate, they are fully prepared for whatever comes next, whether that’s college, career training, the workforce or the military. All along this academic journey, parents are welcome to offer their ideas and thoughts, making them true partners. CCA teachers and families build personal, heartfelt relationships, creating many moments that parents and students are thankful for. Contact us today to learn how CCA teachers inspire children with the joy of learning. 

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