Online High School Sample Schedule 

Flexible schedules that keep kids engaged.

online high school sample schedules

When children transition into high school, they start to become more independent. With online school, they can take even more ownership of their independence. Commonwealth Charter Academy (CCA) allows students in high school, along with their learning coach and school counselor, to create their own flexible, personalized class schedule that caters to their interests and needs. CCA believes that a flexible schedule can help build effective time management skills, prevent learning burnout, and increase productivity and engagement.

So, what is a typical day for high school? When attending CCA, many students have different, individualized schedules from one another that vary from day to day. Their schedules may consist of various core courses, extracurricular activities, and honors courses. Let’s explore some common high school sample school day schedules you and your teenager could arrange at CCA.

High School Schedule Examples 

With CCA, students in high school take charge of their education by working independently, setting goals, and discovering college and career opportunities. The same goes for organizing their daily school schedules. Students in ninth to 12th grade have a chance to figure out which learning methods and pace works best for them. High school families can create a schedule that suits their students’ learning style, needs, and interests.