CCA’s Mid-Term Accreditation Report Accepted by Middle States Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools

March 5, 2025

CCA’s Mid-Term Accreditation Report Accepted by Middle States Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools

HARRISBURG – Commonwealth Charter Academy (CCA), Pennsylvania’s most sought-after public cyber charter school with more than 34,000 students, proudly announces that the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS) has reviewed and accepted CCA’s mid-term accreditation report.

Middle States noted that CCA’s mid-term report “… shows evidence of faithful implementation of the strategic plan for growth and improvement.”

“Middle States’ acceptance of our mid-term report reaffirms that CCA delivers high-quality, academically rigorous educational programs to our students,” said CCA President and CEO Thomas D. Longenecker. “Our significant growth in student enrollment, which has more than tripled in the past five years with a 95% family retention rate, is a testament to our continuous improvement and commitment to meeting the needs of our families.”

First accredited in 2013, CCA is midway through its second accreditation period.

Accreditation is a comprehensive process that ensures schools meet a set of research-based performance standards.

The Middle States Standards for Accreditation include categories such as foundations, governance and organization, student well-being, resources, teaching and learning, and special purpose indicators.

As an MSA-CESS accredited school, CCA:

  • Adheres to the Middle States Standards for Accreditation;
  • Uses its mission, beliefs, and goals as the basis of daily decision-making;
  • Operates in the public interest and in accordance with ethical practice;
  • Accepts responsibility for the level of performance of its students;
  • Remains committed to continuous improvement in student learning and to its capacity to produce the levels of learning desired and expected by its community;
  • Operates in a collegial and collaborative with all of its stakeholders; and
  • Sustains its focus on implementing recommendations, addressing monitoring issues and correcting stipulations that may be part of its notification of accreditation, and fulfills its maintenance requirements to the Commission.

“CCA’s ongoing accreditation with Middle States is a result of the dedication and commitment of our administrators, teachers, and staff to our students and families,” said Longenecker. “We also recognize and thank our families for trusting CCA to be a partner in their children’s education.”

CCA is eligible for reaccreditation when its current period expires on July 1, 2029.

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